65th Regiment Song Book |
Six hundred stalwart warriors, of
Englands pride the best,
Did grasp the lance and sabre on Balaclavas crest;
And with their trusty leader, Earl Cardigan the brave,
Dashed through the Russian valley to glory or a grave.
Oh tis a famous story,
proclaim it far and wide,
And let your childrens children re-echo it with pride,
Of Cardigan the fearless, his name immortal made,
When he crossed that Russian Valley with his famous Light
Their foemen stood in thousands, a
dark and awful mass,
Beneath their famous strongholds resolved to guard the pass,
Their guns with fierce defiance belched thunders up the vale,
Where sat our English horsemen firm beneath their iron gale.
When Nolan brought the order,
"Pray God can it be true",
Cried Cardigan the fearless, "and my Brigade so few;
To take these awful cannon from yonder teeming mass;
Tis madness, Sir, where shall we charge? what guns bring
from the pass?"
And they were but six hundred,
'gainst two score thousand foes,
Hemmed in with furious cannon, and crushed with savage blows,
Yet fought they there like heroes, for our Noble Englands
Oh glorious charge! heroic deed! what glory crowns thy name.
Four hundred of those soldiers
fell, fighting where they stood,
And thus that fatal death vale they enriched with English blood;
Four hundred of those soldiers bequeathed their lives away,
For the England they had fought for on that wild October day.
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