65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot |
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Drill on this page [ Marching Reliefs | Relieving
or Posting Sentries | Sentries paying
Compliments | Sentries Challenging
| Instruction of Recruits
When practicable, the new guard will form line at twenty or thirty paces in front of the old guard, and will then advance in slow time.
New Guard |
When at ten or fifteen paces from the old guard, the new guard will be halted, dressed, and directed to take open order. |
Old Guard |
The old guard, drawn up at open order on its parade, will receive the new guard with the prescribed salute. |
New Guard |
The new guard will return the salute. |
Old Guard |
After which, both guards will be ordered to shoulder, and the commander of the old guard will hand the duplicate of his guard report to the commander of the new guard. |
Old Guard |
The guards will order arms and stand at ease. |
The guard will then be told off and the first relief sent out; while the relief is going round, the commander will take over the property in charge of the guard, according to the list in the old guard report.
Old Guard |
When the reliefs have returned, and all the men of the old guard have fallen in, both guards will be called to attention, and ordered to shoulder arms. |
Old Guard |
The old guard will then take close order. |
Old Guard |
The old guard will form fours (or face) to its right and march off in slow time, the new guard presenting arms. |
Old Guard |
When the left of the old guard is clear of the ground on which it stood, the guard will break into quick time, and the new guard will shoulder arms. |
Guard, Form |
The new guard will form fours to the right and wheel to the left in quick time; when its leading files arrive at the left of the ground on which the old guard was formed, it will again wheel to the left. |
Halt - Front, |
When the new guard is on the ground which was occupied by the old guard, the commander will order it to halt, front, order arms and stand at ease. He will then read the orders of the guard to his men, after which he will dismiss them in the usual manner; when the first relief comes in, the orders must be read to the men who have been on sentry. |
In situations where the new guard cannot advance in line towards the front of the old guard, it will move up in fours or files in slow time and will be halted and fronted opposite to the latter, or if necessary on its left, in the same line, leaving an interval between them of four or six paces.
Reliefs of less than four men will be formed in single rank, when of four men, or upwards, they will be formed in two ranks, and may be marched in line, in open ground; but in streets, or in narrow places, reliefs should always be marched in single rank, or files. When marching in:
he will carry his arms advanced, with his bayonet fixed.
When the first relief of a new guard is sent out, a corporal belonging to the old guard will accompany it, to bring in the relieved sentries. If the relief moves in:
As soon as all the sentries are relieved, the corporals will change places, and the corporal of the old guard will take command.
On the approach of the relief, a sentry will place himself with shouldered arms in front of his sentry box. The corporal of the relief will proceed as follows.
Shoulder Arms |
Relief - Halt |
Sentries |
Pass |
On this word:
Front |
Relief Support - Arms |
The proper front of a sentry's post should be pointed out to him when he is posted, as well as the extent of his walk.
Sentries walking backwards and forwards on their posts, must do so in a brisk and soldier-like manner; they must on no account quit their arms, lounge, or converse with any one, nor must they stand in their sentry boxes in good or even in moderate weather. Sentries are permitted to support arms (or to sling, or trail, with the short rifle), or to order their arms and stand at ease; but they are not to slope them unless specially ordered to do so.
On the approach of an officer, when he is at least fifteen paces distant, a sentry:
If... |
will... |
On the march |
halt, front and shoulder arms |
standing at ease with ordered arms |
come to attention and shoulder |
Officer is a Field Officer or other officer in the Army or Navy entitled to a salute |
On the approach of a party of men, whether commanded by an officer or not:
The sentry will, to an... |
the party in return will... |
armed party:
unarmed party :
If commanded by a Field officer, etc, he will present arms. |
Parties marching with arms at the secure, and parties with side arms, will be regarded as unarmed parties.
Sentries will not present arms to any officer after sunset; but as long as he can discern an officer, they will come to their front on his approach, and stand steady with shouldered arms till he has passed.
Sentries in their sentry boxes will salute by coming smartly to attention.
For sentries on out-post duty, see Part IV. Section No. 32.
When it gets dark the sentries will challenge in the following manner:
On the approach of any person the sentry will port arms and call out in a sharp tone, who comes there
When on a post where a sudden rush could be made upon him, he will at once come to the charge.
If the person approaching:
If the sentry is on or near the guard-room door, he will proceed as described in Section 19.
Recruits shold be instructed in their duties as sentries. The instructor will post them in different parts of the barrack yard, giving each of them some particular orders to attend to, and will teach them all the principles described in the preceding Section.
Created 16 May, 2000