65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot |
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Drill on this page [ Formation
of Fours | Fours Wheeling &
forming Squad | Fours Closing &
Re-forming two deep | Dismissing a Squad ]
The squad should now be made up of eight or nine files, and numbered off from the right to left; and it must be explained to the men that odd numbers are right files and even numbers left files.
Note: Generally performed at shouldered arms, but when forming fours at ordered arms, the soldiers will come to the Short Trail.
Form Four Deep
Form Fours- |
Deep | The left
files will make up in line with the right files,
Squad-Front | The left files will move up
in line with the right files,
The whole of the rear-rank men will then close up to their proper distances from the front rank by taking a pace of 12 inches to the front with the left feet. |
Form Four Deep to the Right
Form Fours- |
Right |
Squad-Front | The squad will face to the left, and re-form two deep as already described. |
Form Four Deep to the Left
Form Fours- |
Left |
Squad-Front | The squad will face to the right, and re-form two deep as already described. |
Form Four Deep to the Rear
Form Fours- |
About |
Squad-Front | The squad will face to the right about, and re-form two deep as already described. |
1. Wheeling. - A squad taking ground to a flank by fours, will wheel to the right or left, in the same manner as it wheels in files, each four wheeling successively round the same point.
2. Forming to the Front. - When a squad taking ground to a flank by fours is ordered to form to the front:
the front rank man of the leading file will mark time,
the remainder will turn, if right is in front, to the left, if left is in front, to the right,
form two deep, and proceed as described in Sections 43 and 32 of this Part.
3. Forming to the Reverse Flank, or to the Right or Left About, ot to the Pivot Flank. - When a squad ordered to form to the reverse flank, or to the right or left about, it will at once form two deep and then proceed as described in Sections 43 and 32 of this Part; a squad will form to the pivot flank simply by halting and fronting.
For the following practices 10 or 12 files should be put together.
On the
Right (Left or Centre) Close. Quick-March |
A squad having
formed four deep must be taught to close on the right, left, or
From the Right (Left, or Centre) Re-form Two Deep. Quick-March |
In re-forming two deep, on
the word March:
These formations must also be practised during the march; on the words On the Right (Left or Centre) Close,
On the words From the Right (Left, or Centre) Re-form Two Deep,
To the right - Face |
(without arms) |
(with arms) |
Updated 9 October, 2000