Regimental Badge

65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot

Regimental Badge

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Drill on this page [ Standing at Ease | Attention | Dressing with intervals | Saluting | Facings ]


1. Position of the Soldier

The exact squareness of the shoulders and body to the front is the first and great principle of the position of a soldier. 

When the soldier falls in for instruction, he will be taught to place himself in the position above described.

N.B. The words in the margin printed in italics, are the commands to be given by the instructor.

2. Standing at Ease

Soldiers will first be taught the motions of the hands and the foot by numbers, then judging their own time.

Stand At Ease

Stand at-Ease 1
  • Raise the arms from the elbows, left hand in front of the centre of the body, as high as the waist, palm upwards
  • the right hand as high as the right breast, palm to the left front
  • both thumbs separated from the fingers, and the elbows close to the sides.
  • Strike the palm of the right hand on that of the left,
  • drop the arms to their extent, keeping the hands together, and passing the right hand over the back of the left as they fall
  • at the same time draw back the right foot six inches, and bend slightly the left knee.
    (Please note: In the 1859 edition of this manual, you bring forward the left foot six inches)

When the motions are completed the arms must hang loosely and easily, the fingers towards the ground, the right thumb held between the palm of the left hand; the body must incline forward, the weight being on the right leg and the whole attitude without constraint.


Squad-Attention 1
  • Spring up to the position described in [Position of the Soldier], letting the arms fall, by the shortest way, to the sides.

Standing Easy

The men are permitted to move their limbs, but without quitting their ground, so that upon the Attention no one shall have materially lost his dressing in line. If men are required to keep their dressing accurately, they should be cautioned not to move their left feet.

Before caling men to attention, when they are standing easy, the Eyes-Front must be given, upon which every soldier will resume his position as described in Stand at-Ease, and remain steady.

3. Dressing a Squad with Intervals

  • The eyes will be directed to the right, the head being slightly turned in that direction
  • Each soldier, except the right-hand man, will extend his right arm, palm of the hand upwards, nails touching the shoulder of the man on his right
  • at the same time he will take up his dressing line by moving till he is just able to distinguish the lower part of the face of the second man beyond him
  • care must be taken that, in so doing, he carries his body backward or forward with the feet, moving to his dressing with short quick steps, that his shoulders are kept perfectly square, and that the position of the soldier is retained throughout.
  • The eyes and head are to be turned to the front, 
  • the arm dropped,
  • and the first position of the soldier resumed.

5. Saluting

Soldiers if standing still when an officer approaches, will face towards him, come to attention, and salute; if sitting they will rise, stand at attention, and salute. When walking, they will salute an officer as they pass him, commencing their salute six paces before they come up to him, taking care to salute with the hand furthrest from the officer (i.e. with the left hand if passing him on his right).

Soldiers will invariably salute anybody they know to be an officer, whether he is in uniform or not.

Right Hand Salute


Raise right hand, without bending the elbow

  • As high as the mouth
  • Pointing in the same direction as the right foot
  • Knuckles upwards
  • Thumb close to forefinger
  • Bring the hand slowly round till the point of the thumb and the side of the forefinger touch the lower edge of the cap or peak,
  • Knuckles still upwards
  • Wrist and fingers slightly bent,
  • At the same time turn the head a little to the left, and look towards the person saluted.
Attention 3
  • Bring the hand and arm slowly to the position attained by the first motion,
  • Turning the head and eyes to the front
  • Bring the arm down smartly to the position of attention,
  • Without bending the elbow.

6. Facings

Here are the commands that bring a man to face different directions, on the halt:

Right Face

Right Face


To the Right - face  1
  • Place the hollow of the right foot smartly against the left heel,
  • keeping the shoulders square to the front.
  • Raise the toes, and turn a quarter circle to the right on both heels, which must be pressed together.


Left Face

Left Face


To the Left - face  1
  • Place the right heel against the hollow of the left foot,
  • keeping the shoulders square to the front.
  • Raise the toes, and turn a quarter circle to the left on both heels, which must be pressed together.


Right About Face

Right About Face


Right about - face  1
  • Place the ball of the right toe against the left heel,
  • keeping the shoulders square to the front.
  • Raise the toes, and turn to the right about on both heels.
  • Bring the right foot smartly back in a line with the left.



Left About Face

Left About Face


Left about - face  1
  • Place the right heel against the ball of the left toe,
  • keeping the shoulders square to the front.
  • Raise the toes, and turn to the left about on both heels.
  • Bring up the right foot smartly in a line with the left.

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Updated 12 June, 2001