Regimental Badge

65th Regiment Song Book

Regimental Badge

A Wee Deoch and Doris

I like a man that is a man.
I like a man that’s fair.
I like a man that will and can,
In all things do his share.
I like a man, a cannie man,
The kind o’ man ye know,
That slaps you on the back,
And says "A drink afore ye go".

Just a wee deoch an’ doris.
Just a wee one, that’s all.
Just a wee deoch an’ doris,
Afore ye gang awa’.
There’s a wee wife awaitin’,
And a wee but-and-ben.
If ye can say it’s a braw, bricht,
moonlicht nicht,
Then you’re alright, ye ken.

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