Regimental Badge

65th Regiment Song Book

Regimental Badge

Boney was a Warrior

Boney was a warrior, away-ay-ya.
A warrior, a tarrier, Jean Francois.
Boney fought the Prussians, away-ay-ya.
And Boney fought the Rrussians, Jean Francois.

Boney went to Moscow, away-ay-ya.
Across the Alps, across the snow, Jean Francois.
Moscow was a-blazing, away-ay-ya.
Boney was a-raging, Jean Francois.

Boney went to Elba, away-ay-ya.
And Boney he came back again, Jean Francois.
Boney went to Waterloo, away-ay-ya.
And there he got his overthrew, Jean Francois.

They shipped Boney off again, away-ay-ya.
Aboard the Billy Ruffian, Jean Francois.
Boney he got sent away, away-ay-ya.
Away to St. Helena, Jean Francois.

Boney broke his heart and died, away-ay-ya.
Away on St Helena, Jean Francois.
Boney was a warrior, away-ay-ya.
A warrior, a terrier, Jean Francois.

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