65th Regiment Song Book |
Good people all of each degree,
both high and low, draw near,
And listen with attention to these few lines you'll hear,
Concerning gallant soldiers, some killed and wounded sore,
Far from their native country in that great India War.
There's some from north and some
from south and some from east and west,
But none can tell which of their sons are thought upon the best
When they are in a foreign land where cannons loudly roar,
And fighting for old England in the great India War.
The cruelties have been practised
would cause your hearts to bleed,
Enough to melt a heart of stone their sufferings to read;
Some mothers cry, 'My darling son will never return no more,
The daring foe has laid him low in the great India War.'
What must a mother's feelings be
such shocking news to hear,
The tortures by those mutineers would cause a briny tear;
And many widows yet will weep upon old England's shore
For husbands that will not return from the great India War.
We read the deeds of Boney and
brave Nelson on the main,
Where many gallant Englishmen on land and sea were slain;
Yes, many battles were fought in ancient days of yore,
But cruelties were never known like the great India War.
Some thousands that left England
where first they drew their breath,
How sad to tell, in battle fell, and yielded unto death,
At Lucknow and Delhi and taking of Cawnpore,
For years to come will history relate the India War.
How many bold commanders, I'm
sorry for to say,
All through the climate and disease now in their graves do lay;
That valiant General Havelock, too, fell for to rise no more,
We firmly hope is now at rest from the great India War.
Distress throughout the country I believe it does
I wish the war was at an end that we could live in peace,
And men for labour better paid as they have been before,
And soldiers too that fought so true in the great India War.
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