Regimental Badge

65th Regiment Song Book

Regimental Badge

Ilkla Moor b’aht ‘at

Where hast thou been since I saw thee?
On Ilkla Moor b’aht ‘at.
Where hast thou been since I saw thee?
Where hast thou been since I saw thee?
On Ilkla Moor b’aht ‘at.
On Ilkla Moor b’aht ‘at.
On Ilkla Moor b’aht ‘at.

Thou’s bin a-courtin Mary-Jane…

Thou’s gonna catch thy death o’ cawld…

Then we shall ‘ave to bury thee…

Then t’worms shall come an’ et thee up…

Then t’ducks shall come an’ et up t’worms…

Then we shall come an’ et up t’ducks…

Then we shall all ‘ave etten thee…

That’s when we get our own back…

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