(2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot

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Rifle Drill - The
Advance Arms
Here are the
commands that bring a man to the Advance Arms from:
The Advance
Arms from the Order
- |
- By a sharp turn of
the wrist, bring the thumb of the right hand
round the rear of the barrel and grasp the rifle,
thumb between the stock and the thigh
Arms |
- Raise the rifle by a
cant with the right hand and carry it close into
the right side of the body
- Seize it with the
left hand close above the lower band
- At the same time
seize the guard with the thumb and forefinger of
the right hand at the full extent of the arm,
remaining fingers under the hammer
- Drop the left hand to
the side
Next possible
command - [ The Order | The Shoulder
| The Trail ]
The Advance
Arms from the Shoulder
- Arms |
- Turn the lock to the
front and seize the rifle with the right hand
under the guard without moving it from the
- Thumb and fingers
round the stock, arm close to the body
- Carry the rifle,
close into the body, to the right side with the
right hand
- Seize it with the
left hand close above the lower band
- At the same time
seize the guard with the thumb and forefinger of
the right hand at the full extent of the arm,
remaining fingers under the hammer
- Drop the left hand to
the side
Next possible
command - [ The Order | The Shoulder
| The Trail ]
The Advance
Arms from the Trail

Advance-Arms |
1 |
- Bring the rifle to a
perpendicular position by turning the wrist up
- and seize it with the
left hand close above the lower band
- at the same time
raising it slightly and seizing the guard with
the thumb and forefinger of the right hand at the
full extent of the arm, remaining fingers under
the hammer
2 |
- Drop the left hand to
the side
Next possible
command - [ The Order | The Shoulder
| The Trail ]