Regimental Badge

65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot

Regimental Badge

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Rifle Drill - The Order Arms

Here are the commands that bring a man to the Order Arms from:


The Order

Rifle placed perpendicularly at the right side, butt on the ground, its toe in line with the toe of the right foot; right hand placed flat on the outside of the stock, thumb on the sling, the barrel pressed to the hollow of the shoulder.

Next possible command - [ Fix Bayonets | The Shoulder | The Advance | The Slope | Stand at Ease | Unfix Bayonets | Ground Arms | The Trail ]


Fix Bayonets


Fix bayonets

Next Review Exercise movement
The Shoulder ]





Fix -


  • By a sharp turn of the wrist, bring the thumb of the right hand round the rear of the barrel and grasp the rifle, thumb between the stock and the thigh
  • At the same time seize the socket of the bayonet with the left hand, knuckles to the front, thumb to the rear, fingers pointing to the ground, left elbow to the rear.


  • Push the muzzle of the rifle a little forward
  • At the same time draw the bayonet
  • As soon as the point clears the scabbard turn it up, keeping the elbow down and the upper part of the arm close to the body.
  • Place socket of bayonet on the muzzle (flat part of the blade to the front)
  • When it falls on the block of the foresight, turn it with the thumb from left to right and press it home
  • With the thumb turn the locking ring in the same direction under the block of the foresight
  • Drop the left hand to the side and bring the rifle to the Order



The Order from the Shoulder


Order from the Shoulder

Next Review Exercise command
Unfix Bayonets ]





Order - Arms


  • Seize the rifle with the right hand close above the lower band, keeping the elbow as close to the body as possible



  • Bring the rifle down to the right side, allowing the little finger to slip behind the barrel as it descends, and place the butt quietly on the ground at the Order


  • Place the right hand flat on the outside of the stock, thumb on the sling, the barrel pressed to the hollow of the shoulder.

Next possible command - [ The Shoulder | The Advance | The Slope | Stand at Ease | Unfix Bayonets | Ground Arms ]


The Order from the Advance Arms


The Order from the Advance Arms

Next Review Exercise command
The Advance ]





Order - Arms


  • Seize the rifle with the left hand, little finger in line with the point of the right shoulder, arm close to the body


  • Extend the fingers and thumb of the right hand
  • Lower the rifle with the left hand until the butt touches the ground; the left arm and rifle to be kept close to the body


  • Drop the left hand to the side

Next possible command - [ The Shoulder | The Advance | The Slope | Stand at Ease | Unfix Bayonets | Ground Arms ]


Unfix Bayonets





Unfix - 1
  • By a sharp turn of the wrist, bring the thumb of the right hand round the rear of the barrel and grasp the rifle, thumb between the stock and the thigh
Bayonets 1
  • Push the muzzle a little forward, and lay hold of the rifle with the left hand immediately above the upper band, thumb and fingers round the stock and barrel, arm close to the body
  • Raise the right hand and seize the socket of the bayonet between the forefinger and thumb, fingers closed in the hand, knuckles to the front, arm close to the body.
  • With the second joint of the forefinger of the right hand, turn the locking ring to the left
  • then extend the fingers under the bend, raise the bayonet, turn it to the left, and remove it from the muzzle.
  • Drop the point of the bayonet towards the scabbard, inclining the palm of the hand to the front as it falls, and place the the little finger on top of the socket
  • at the same time, force the muzzle of the rifle back to the hollow of the right shoulder with the left hand, which is immediately to be removed and placed on the top of the scabbard to guide the bayonet in, the elbow to the rear and close to the body as possible
  • Lastly drop the arms to their position at The Order


Take Up Arms





Take up-Arms 1 At Attention behind your grounded rifle:
  • Sink the body, bending both knees
  • take up the rifle
  • and come to The Order


The Order from the Trail







Order-Arms 1 Bring the rifle to a perpendicular position at the right side, allowing it to slip through the fingers to the ground at the position on The Order


The Order from the Slope

The Order from the Slope




Order - Arms 1
  • Drop the left hand to its full extent
  • Seize the rifle with the right hand close above the lower band, keeping the elbow as close to the body as possible


  • Bring the rifle down to the right side, allowing the little finger to slip behind the barrel as it descends, and place the butt quietly on the ground at the Order


  • Place the right hand flat on the outside of the stock, thumb on the sling, the barrel pressed to the hollow of the shoulder.

Next possible command - [ The Shoulder | The Advance | The Slope | Stand at Ease | Unfix Bayonets | Ground Arms ]


The Order from the Shoulder


Order from the Shoulder - no bayonet

Next Review Exercise command
Fix Bayonets ]





Order - Arms


  • Seize the rifle with the right hand close above the lower band, keeping the elbow as close to the body as possible



  • Bring the rifle down to the right side, allowing the little finger to slip behind the barrel as it descends, and place the butt quietly on the ground at the Order


  • Place the right hand flat on the outside of the stock, thumb on the sling, the barrel pressed to the hollow of the shoulder.

Next possible command - [ The Shoulder | The Advance | The Slope | Stand at Ease | Unfix Bayonets | Ground Arms ]

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