65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot |
Here is a list I have compiled of ships that transported the 65th over the period that the regiment was in New Zealand. The passenger lists below contain the summary of all British Army personnel on board, exclusive of any civilian passengers. This is only the beginning of an ongoing reasearch (and is not all verified, so forgive any errors at the moment) and, so far includes only the ships that transported them to Australia and New Zealand.
This data is subject to change without notice, as my research progresses.
For biographical information about the officers who took passge on these ships, see Officers of the 65th in New Zealand.
Note that this list is in chronological order, by date of arrival at ultimate destination.
Departed London 26 August 1845, arrived Hobart Town 23 January 1846, units carried - 65th, notes - convict ship, source – DNZ, passengers – 1 officer, 44 other ranks.
Departed Woolwich 23 December 1845, arrived Sydney 13 June 1846 after disembarking convicts at Hobart Town 15 May 1846, units carried - 65th, 96th, notes – convict ship - 286 convicts, source – DNZ, Wylly, NZS, NZer; passengers – Captain Newenham’s company to Sydney. London - Hobart leg - 65th - 1 ensign, 1 assistant surgeon, 47 rank & file; 96th - 2 officers.
Departed Woolwich 30 December 1845, arrived Sydney 26 June 1846, units carried - 65th, notes - small party. via Norfolk Island - 200 convicts. Convict ship, source - DNZ, NZS; passengers - 65th - 1 officer, 3 sergeants, 2 corporals, 50 rank & file.
Departed Sydney 7 July 1846, arrived Wellington 22 July 1846, ship's details - barque, units carried - 65th, 58th, source - DNZ, NZS; passengers - 65th - 5 officers, 58th - 1 officer. 8 sergeants, 7 corporals, 162 rank & file of 58th and 65th regiments.
Departed London 21 March 1846, arrived Hobart Town 26 August 1846 then proceeded to Sydney, units carried - 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed London 1 May 1846, arrived Hobart Town 28 October 1846, units carried - 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Woolwich 18 May 1846, arrived Hobart Town 5 October 1846, passengers - 14 officers, 624 NCOs and men. 1 sergeant and 6 privates died on voyage.
Departed Hobart 8 October 1846 and arrived in Sydney 13 October 1846, passengers - 19 officers, Mrs Murray and 3 daughters and son, 625 men, 8 women, 7 children (included the officers and men who had arrived on the John Calvin.)
The Java was re-chartered to carry the regiment to New Zealand. On 30 October 1846, the detachment stationed in Sydney, under the command of Major Wyatt, consisting of 5 officers, 5 sergeants and 117 men, embarked on the ship. They joined the members of the regiment already on board, under the command of Major Patience, consisting of 19 officers, 2 ladies, 6 children, 16 sergeants 17 drummers, 19 corporals, 548 privates, 22 women, 22 children. [SMH - 2 Nov 46] The ship departed Sydney on 2 November. Upon arriving in New Zealand the Java disembarked 2 companies (200 men) in the Bay of Islands on 19 November, relieving a detachment of the 58th Regiment stationed at Wahapu, before continuing with the remainder on 22 November, arriving at Auckland on the 30th.
Departed Woolwich 4 May 1846, arrived Hobart Town 10 June 1846, units carried - 65th, notes - Convict ship, source – DNZ, Wylly, passengers – Captain Murray’s detachment. Transferred to "Java" at Hobart.
Departed Woolwich 24 February 1846, arrived Sydney 17 September 1846 after disembarking convicts at Hobart Town; notes - convict ship, source – DNZ, Wylly; passengers - 65th - 2 officers, 3 sergeants, and 47 rank and file.
Departed Gravesend 26 August 1845, arrived Sydney 12 January 1846 after disembarking convicts at Hobart Town; notes - convict ship, source - DNZ, Broughton; passengers – 65th - 1 officer, 2 sergeants, 47 rank and file.
Departed Gravesend 19 September 1846, arrived Auckland 14 January 1847; notes - all the married officers and men and families of the regiment (measles), source - Broughton; passengers - 65th - Lieut. Colonel Gold and other married officers, 16 sergeants, 45 rank and file, 51 women and 75 children.
Departed Sydney 16 January 1847, arrived Auckland 25 January 1847, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ, NZ; passengers - 65th - 2 officers, QM Paul's family, 'small detachment'.
Departed Woolwich 2 October 1846, arrived Hobart Town 18 February 1847, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ
Departed Woolwich 20 September 1846, arrived Hobart Town 18 March 1847, units carried - 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Hobart Town 4 March 1847, arrived Auckland 24 March 1847, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ, NZ; passengers - 65th - 1 officer, 26 rank & file, 24 women.
Departed Hobart Town 28 March 1847, arrived Auckland 23 April 1847, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ, NZ; passengers - 65th - 45 rank & file, 6 women, 5 children; 96th - 1 officer, 1 soldier.
Departed London 31 August 1847, arrived Hobart Town 13 January 1848, units carried - 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Hobart Town 14 January 1848, arrived Wellington 4 February 1848, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ, NZS; passengers - 58th - 1 officer; 65th - 1 sergeant, 16 rank and file.
Departed London 18 December 1847, arrived Hobart Town 27 May 1848, units carried - 65th, 96th?, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ, 65th Diary?, passengers - 65th - Lieut. Paul – bound for NZ
Departed London 22 February 1848, arrived Hobart Town 11 June 1848, units carried - 58th, 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Hobart Town 24 June 1848, arrived Auckland 10 July 1848, units carried - 58th, 65th, source - DNZ, DSC; 65th - 1 officer, 28 men.
Departed Hobart Town 22 June 1848, arrived Wellington 12 August 1848, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ
Departed London 11 September 1848, arrived Hobart Town 24 January 1849, units carried - 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Hobart Town 10 February 1849, arrived Wellington 19 February 1849; source - DNZ, NZS; passengers - 65th - 1 officer, 20 soldiers, 1 woman.
Departed Deptford 17 April 1849, arrived Hobart Town 4 September 1849, units carried - 58th, 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Hobart Town 8 September 1849, arrived Auckland 24 September 1849, units carried - 58th, 65th, source - DNZ
Departed Deptford 22 May 1849, arrived Sydney 4 October 1849, units carried - 58th, 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Deptford 23 July 1849, arrived Sydney 26 December 1849, units carried - 58th, 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Sydney 9 December 1849, arrived Wellington 25 December 1849; source - DNZ, NZS; notes - brig; passengers - 65th - 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 12 privates, 3 women, 3 children.
Departed Sydney 16 January 1850, arrived Wellington 1 February 1850, having called at New Plymouth, units carried - 65th, source - DNZ, NZS; passengers - no record of any troops in NZS.
Arrived Wellington 21 April 1850, from London, via Otago. On board - 65th - 1 officer.
Departed Gravesend 22 February 1852, arrived Wellington 13 August 1852, via Nelson 24 July; source NZS; passengers - 65th - 3 officers.
Departed London 15 August 1852, arrived Wellington 18 December 1852; notes – TH - "detachment of the 58th, [Capt Petley] will proceed to Auckland" from Wellington, source - TH, passengers - 65th - 3 officers, 84 men, 14 women, 13 children.
Departed London 22 November 1852, arrived Hobart Town 30 May 1853, units carried - 58th, 65th, notes - convict ship, source - DNZ
Departed Hobart Town 31 May 1853, via Nelson, arrived Wellington 5 July 1853; source - DNZ, NZS; passengers - "a detachment of soldiers of the 65th Regiment."
Departed Cowes 7 March 1854, arrived Auckland 26 June 1854; source - DNZ, DSC; passengers - 58th - 3 officers, 100 men; 65th - 3 officers, 120 men.
Departed Auckland 9 August 1854, arrived Wellington 15 August 1854; source - 65th diary, NZS; passengers - 65th - 3 officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, 98 privates - draft of men who had arrived in Auckland on the Egmont.
Departed Spithead 27 December 1854, arrived Auckland 26 April 1855; notes - TH says arr in New Plymouth after dropping off 65th, source - 65th diary (TH), DNZ, passengers - 65th - 7 officers, 9 sergeants, 9 corporals, 4 drummers, 160 privates.
Departed Hobart Town 31 January 1856, arrived Wellington 11 February 1856; passengers - 65th - ex 99th men who chose to transfer to 65th when 99th left Australia - 139 men, under 1 officer 40th (Baddeley)
Departed Portsmouth 14 April 1856, arrived Wellington 21 July 1856; source - 65th diary, TH, DNZ, passengers - 65th - 3 officers, 4 sergeants, 6 corporals, 1 drummer, 240 privates. 1 sergeant, 1 private died.
Departed UK "sailed from the Downs on the 27th April, and cleared the Channel on the 30th.", arrived Auckland 30 July 1857, ship details - "a fine powerful ship"; source - TH, SC, passengers - 65th - 1 officer, Mrs Stack; Purveyor's Department - 1 officer, Mrs De Burgh Adams.
Arrived Nelson from London 6 October 1857, with "general cargo of merchandize for Wellington"; ship details - barque; source - Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle (no online Wellington newspaper available to verify); passengers - 65th - "for Wellington:- G. R Chevalier".
Departed London 31 July 1858, arrived Auckland 4 December 1858, ship details - Russian prize ship, built in Memel. notes - called into Cork on way - departed Cork 3 August 1858, sources - TH, DNZ, DSC, passengers - 65th, 1 officer, 26 men; R.A. "a detachment of 40 NCOs and men… with a view to becoming settlers… when service in army expires" - 1 officer, 21 men.
Departed London 9 May 1859, departed Cork 15 May, arrived Auckland 3 September 1859; source - TH - (New Zealander), DNZ, SC; passengers - 40th - 1 officer; 65th - 1 officer, 1 sergeant, 60 rank and file, 6 women, 3 children; 1 Staff AS.
Departed Woolwich 2 March 1860, via Sydney, arrived Auckland 21 June 1860, source – DNZ, DSC, passengers - 65th - 1 officer, 169 men; R.E. - 1 officer, 40 men; MD 1 officer.
Departed London 17 August 1862, Plymouth 24 August 1862, arrived Auckland 21 November 1862, source - DSC, passengers - 65th – 1 officer.
Departed London 28 September 1862, arrived Auckland 6 January 1863; source - DSC; passengers - 2/14th - 1 officer; 57th - 1 officer; 65th – 1 officer.
Departed Sydney 15 October 1863, arrived Auckland 21 October 1863; source - DSC, passengers - 18th - 1 officer, 43rd - 1 officer, 65th - 1 officer, Medical - 9 Staff Assistant-Surgeons.
Departed UK 29 July 1863, departed Ceylon 9 October 1863, arrived Melbourne 2 November, departed 7 November, arrived Auckland 14 November 1863, ship details - iron screw steam troop ship, 375 ft in length, 44 ft width, 3570 tons; notes - transported 2 Battalion 25th Regt. from UK to Ceylon, transported a battery of six 12 pounder Armstrong guns provided by the Victorian Government from Melbourne; source DNZ, DSC; passengers - 50th - 37 officers, 4 wives, 5 children, 793 rank and file, 57 wives, 87 children; 65th - 1 officer.
Departed Queenstown 7 October 1863, arrived Auckland 8 January 1864, ship details - troop ship White Star Clipper 1639 tons; notes - 9 deaths during passage, including 1 man of 70th presumed lost overboard, source – NZH, TH, passengers - 18th - 2 officers, 154 men; 40th - 3 officers, 70 men; 50th - 1 officers, 19 men; 57th - 1 officer, 71 men, Mrs Lloyd and 2 children; 65th - 6 officers, 36 men; 70th - 2 officers, 126 men; Royal Artillery - 1 officer; Royal Engineers - 15, Army Hospital Corps - 2 Staff Surgeon, 27 and 2 arms; - total 510 rank & file, 64 women, 67 children.
Departed London 20 October 1863, arrived Auckland 27 January 1864, passengers - 65th - 1 officer.
Departed London 28 May 1864, arrived Auckland 2 October 1864, source - DSC; passengers - 2/14th- 2 officers; 43rd - 1 officer; 65th - 1 officer; 70th - 1 officer; Purveyor's Department - 1 officer.
Departed the Downs 1 October 1864, embarked troops at Cork 7 October, arrived Auckland 20 January 1865; passengers - 292 rank & file in total - 2/14th - 1 officer, 10 men; 18th - 1 officer, 76 men; 40th - 1 officer, 52 men; 57th - 1 officer, 59 men; 65th - 2 officers, 65 men; 68th - 1 officer, 40 men; Medical Department - 1 officer.
Departed Wellington 29 April 1848, for England; source - NZS, passengers - 65th - 1 officer.
Departed Wellington 12 February 1850, for Sydney; source - NZS, passengers - 65th - 1 officer.
Arrived Auckland from Wellington 19 September 1850, departed Auckland for London 30 October 1850; source - DSC NZer; passengers - 58th - 3 officers, Mrs Bridge, 32 rank & file; 65th - 3 officers, 28 rank & file (33 from Wellington); 11 women and 22 children.
Departed Wellington 10 Feb. 1851, for London. On board - 65th - 1 officer, invalids of the regiment. Also on board - Mr & Mrs Fox, Mr Weld.
Departed Wellington 28 March 1853 for Port Phillip (Melbourne); source - NZS, passengers - 65th - 1 officer.
Departed Wellington 22 September 1856, departed Nelson for Sydney 3 October 1856; source - Nelson Examiner; passengers - 65th - 2 officers.
Departed Wellington 19 August 1858, arrived Gravesend 30 November 1858; passengers - 65th - 2 officers, 16 NCOs and men (invalids), 3 women, 7 children
Departed Auckland 20 November 1858, arrived Portsmouth 5 March 1859; notes - via Rio 3/1/59, Fayal 20/2/59, source - PT, passengers - 58th - 19 officers, Mrs Bolton and 1 child, Mrs Slattery and 4 children, Miss Tighe, 29 sergeants, 173 rank & file, 15 women, 21 children; 65th - 1 officer, 1 sergeant, 5 privates (invalids); RA - 1 corporal; RE - 1 sergeant, wife and 2 children.
Departed Auckland 3 February 1861, for London; source - DSC; passengers - General Gold and family (6), 40 invalid soldiers 40th and 65th.
Departed Auckland 22 February 1862 for Sydney, barque; source - DSC; passengers - 65th - 1 officer.
Departed Auckland 16 April 1862, arrived Gravesend 21 July 1862, (DSC 22 September 1862 ) RA, RE, AHC, 14th, 57th, 65th, 70th, probably invalids - Invalid Hospital at Gravesend, 65th - 2 officers, 45 NCOs and men. Under command of Lieut Urquhart. Major [Frederick] Stack and Lieut. [Frederick] Baillie, late of the 65th. who were cashiered by general court martial, home as passengers.
Departed Auckland 5 February 1863, for London (probably Gravesend); notes - invalids; source - DSC; passengers - 57th - 3 officers; 65th 1 officer (died at sea), Mrs Barton; 98 rank & file, 8 women, 15 children, 15 natives.
Departed Auckland 28 Nov. 1863, arrived Spithead 16 March 1864 (via Sydney). Steam troopship. Troops - 100 military invalids, time expired men etc., including Captain Mercer's widow and children; 65th - 1 officer.
Departed Auckland 4 April 1864, for Gravesend; notes - invalids; source - DSC; passengers -2/14th - 1 officer; 57th - 1 officer; 65th - 2 officers; various regiments - non-commissioned officers and men - 137.
Departed Auckland 25 October 1864 for Melbourne; passengers – (mainly invalids) Comm - 2 officers; MD - 1 officer; 18th - 1 officer; 40th - 1 private; 43rd - 1 officer; 50th - 1 officer; 65th - 2 officers; various - 117 men, 12 women, 25 children - Govt. invalids; also included Captain Lloyd's widow (57th Regt.) and 2 children, Mrs Col. Murray, Mrs & misses Drake, Mrs Strange.
Departed Melbourne 8 November 1864, arrived Portsmouth 31 January 1865; passengers – (mainly invalids) 12th - 5 men 2 women 5 children; 14th - 5 men 1 woman 1child; 18th - 1 officer, 6 men, 2 women, 1 child; 40th - 9 men; 43rd - 1 officer, 26 men, 4 women, 8 children; 50th - 1 officer, 20 men; 57th - 3 men; 65th - 1 officer, 3 men; 68th - 18 men, 1 woman, 3 children; 70th - 11 men, 2 women, 1 child; also included Captain Lloyd's widow (57th Regt.), 3 widows, 3 orphans.
Departed Auckland 22 February 1865, arrived Spithead 27 May 1865; notes - included wives and children of several officers - Sillery and 2 children; White and 2 children, widows of Captain Strange and Staff Assistant Surgeon Storey, source - PT, DSC; passengers - Staff - 2 officers; 12th - 1 officer; 14th - 1 officer; 65th - 1 surgeon; 70th - 1 officers, 87 men, 3 time expired soldiers, 6 lunatics, 7 women, 15 children.
Departed Auckland 1 August 1865 for Sydney; sources - DSC; passengers - Lieut. General D. A. Cameron, Brigadier-General Carey, 2 staff officers; 65th - 2 officers; 2/14th (possibly) 1 officer; Commissariat - 1 officer: unidentified - 1 officer (Captain Kelly).
Departed Auckland 30 September 1865 for Sydney; sources - DSC; passengers - 50th - 1 officer; 65th - 2 officers; Medical Department - 3 officers; Military Train - 1 officer.
Departed Auckland 7 October 1865, arrived Portsmouth 23 December 1865; sources - Times, PT, Wylly, Broughton; passengers – 65th - under command of Captain Bulkeley – 3 captains, 8 subalterns, 14 sergeants, 3 drummers, 9 corporals, 173 privates. 2 officers’ wives and 3 children, 10 soldiers’ wives and 18 children; 2/18th – 1 officer (transferring to the 65th)
Departed Dunedin for Melbourne 18 October 1865; source - Otago Witness; passengers - 65th - 3 officers (including a surgeon identified as member of 65th, but not listed in Hart's Army List)
Departed Auckland 24 October 1865, arrived Plymouth 16 January 1866; notes - East India troopship - Capt Ralph R Liddle, passengers - according to Broughton – 65th - 1 field officer (Lieut.-Col Wyatt) – 3 captains, 6 subalterns, 3 staff officers, 19 sergeants, 5 drummers, 15 corporals, 131 privates, 2 officers’ wives, and 9 children, 14 soldiers’ wives and 23 children. Daily Southern Cross listing - 65th - 13 officers, 7 staff sergeants, 1 schollmaster, 14 sergeants, 5 drummers, 150 rank & file, 13 women, and 29 children; R.E. - 1 officer; Commissariat - 1 officer. Invalids - 12th, 2 privates; 14th, 5 privates; 18th, 2 privates; 50th, 2 privates; 57th, 4 privates; 68th, 3 privates; 70th, 1 private; Army Hospital Corps, 1 private; 10 military prisoners.
Departed Auckland 4 January 1866, via Melbourne?, arrived Plymouth March 1866; notes - HQ of 70th, sources - PT, DSC; passengers - 2/14th - 1 officer; 65th – 1 officer; 70th - 11 officers, 318 rank file, Mrs Mulock and 2 children, Mrs Thompson & Misses S and J Thompson and 2 other daughters, Master Turner, 17 women, 30 children. 32 invalids, 2 lunatics. 2 invalids died at sea.
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Updated 28 March 2012