65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot |
Here is a list I have compiled (so far) of the commissioned officers in the 65th over the period that the regiment was in New Zealand. This is only the beginning of an ongoing reasearch I am conducting into all the British officers who served in this country. In this list I have not yet filled in the details of every battle each man was in, for example.
This data is subject to change without notice, as my research progresses.
Colonels of the Regiment during the period that the 65th were in New Zealand:
Field Marshall - Colonel of 65th Regiment – 8 February 1814 – 1851.
General - Colonel of 65th Regiment – 31 January 1851 – 1855.
Lieut. General - Colonel of 65th Regiment – 18 January 1855 – 1857.
General - Colonel of 65th Regiment – 25 May 1857 – 1869.
Died 27 October 1869 in Wiltshire.
Officers in the Regiment confirmed, or believed to have served in New Zealand:
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Colour Sergeant, 1863-64. Ensign 5 August 1864 (from QM Sergeant, without purchase vive Alfred Chaytor), Lieutenant 7 January 1869. Transferred to Military Train 17 April 1869. Deputy Comm. 12 February 1870. Retired October 1870.
Hart's 1870 - Lieut. Acheson served in New Zealand during the wars of 1860-61 and 1863-65, and was present at the relief of and repulse of the night attack on No. 3 Redoubt on 23rd Jan. 1861, and in every action in which the 65th Regt. was engaged in the war of 1860-61 (Medal).
Born Derrygonnally, Elliskillen, Fermanagh 14 February 1832.
Served in New Zealand from 1858. New Zealand Medal 1860-61, 1863-65.
Departed New Zealand on the John Temperley.
Engagements - No. 3 Redoubt.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Light Company 65th
Six soldiers of the Light Infantry Company, 65th Regiment.
Second from left (while still in the ranks) Colour Sergeant [Alexander] William Acheson
Alexander Turnbull Library - 1/2-025608-F
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 7 December 1858 - promoted from Sergeant Major, without purchase.
Born Woolwich 29 January 1823. Died 1 November 1861. Enlisted when very young as a drummer boy.
Known to have rendered service during the earthquakes at Wellington in 1848 and 1855 and during a serious fire at that station in 1856. Promoted Company Sergeant Major for these services.
Posted to Wanganui Garrison in January 1859, as acting adjutant.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Levant. Murdered in the Orderly Room in Wanganui by Colour Sergeant James Collins, when acting adjutant of detachment - gunshot "square in the chest”. Was married with 2 children at time of death.
Battles - Horokiri.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 50th Regt. 1 April 1846, Lieutenant 25 August 1848, Adjutant 14 February 1852, Captain 21 May 1852, 65th Regt. 8 June 1852. Retired by sale of commission 28 March 1854.
Born Blackburn Lancashire 31 October 1829
Served Australia 24 November 1853 – 29 November 1854.
May not have served in NZ.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 11 June 1852, Lieutenant 6 June 1854, Captain 11 February 1861.
Born Killyleagh Co. Down 12 December 1832.
Arrived New Plymouth from Wellington on Duke of Portland 6 September 1855. ? Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on White Swan 5 December 1858. Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale 1 March 1860. Served expedition to Waitara and Huirangi 10-13 Sept. 1860 (No. 4 Company). Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Cashiered 23 March 1861 by General Court Martial (for being drunk on duty) - but to receive value of Lieutenant commission. Arrived New Plymouth from Wanganui on the Wonga Wonga 15 January 1862. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on the Airedale 1 March 1862.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Egmont. Continued on to Wellington from Auckland on the Balnaguith. Departed New Zealand on the Avalanche.
Battles - Te Kohia, expedition to Burton's Hill, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, Kaihihi reconnaissance expedition, Kaihihi, Mahoetahi
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain Possibly ['Major Barnard'] arrived in New Zealand on the Kenilworth, Auckland, from London 4 May 1857. Departed for Sydney on the Sarah 8 July 1857.
Promotion record – Ensign 14 July 1841, Lieutenant 6 December 1844, Captain 30 April 1852. Retired by sale of commission 24 November 1853. Became Major in 1st Warwick Militia by 1855.
Hart's 1852 - Lieut. Barnard was wounded in the head on the 19th July 1847 when engaged in action with the rebel Natives at Wanganui, New Zealand.
Born at Exeter, 29 July 1823.
Served in Australia Colonies 27 November 1846 - 11 February 1850.
Arrived Wanganui from Auckland 24 May 1847 on HMS Inflexible. Played for rest of Garrison against Light Company in cricket match in Wanganui, 31 December 1847. Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849. Member of escort at the funeral of Captain J. L. Smith.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the William and Alfred.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 27 November 1835, Lieutenant 10 January 1839, Captain 6 December 1844. Retired 1 September 1853 (65th diary). Became Captain in North Cork Rifles - 4 December 1854.
Born Limerick 29 June 1816. Served in Canada during rebellion (March 1838 - July 1841)
Arrived Wellington from Auckland on the Thomas Lowry 23 July 1847. Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848. Pall bearer at the funeral of Captain J. L. Smith, Wellington, 15 December 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Belle Creole.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 65th Regt. 13 June 1845, Lieutenant 19 August 1850, Captain 29 December 1854. Paymaster 7th Queen's Own Light Dragoons 13 April 1855. Seven months half pay at some stage of career before 1859. Capt. in 4th Regt. 17 July 1857, transferred to 65th 19 February 1858. Retirement, by sale of commission, in 1864 list.
Arrived Wellington from Auckland on HMS Driver, 19 December 1846. Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
Departed Wellington for Wanganui on Government Brig Victoria 4 March 1849. Arrived Auckland from Wellington on the Fairy Queen 19 Sept. 1850. Took part in two cricket matches between the 65th Regt. v Garrsion and civilians in Wellington, December 1850.
Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale 1 March 1860. Steward of Waitara Races planned for 21 March 1860 (cancelled). On 26 September 1860, he was thrown from his horse, and his arm dislocated. So violent was his fall, that the bone of the arm near the elbow protruded through the skin. Arrived Auckland from New Plymouth, with wife, family and servant on the Lord Ashley, 31 Dec. 1860. Attended the Queen's Birthday levee in Auckland 4 June 1861 and levee of 4 October 1861.
Departed England on the Palmyra, arrived in New Zealand on the Java. Departed New Zealand on the Lord William Bentinck. Returned on the Spirit of Trade, departed on the Ida Zeigler (died on board, while on leave, 12 February 1863).
Engagements - Te Kohia (m.i.d. No.4 Company), expedition to Burton's Hill, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, Kaihihi reconnaissance expedition, Kaihihi.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 18 August 1854, Lieutenant 30 June 1857, Captain 30 June 1864, unatt. company. Captain 3rd Regt. 19 July 1864, Captain 69th Regt. 18 October 64, Capt 8th Hussars 22 August 1865, retired 2 October 66. Major West York Militia 28 June 1873.
Born Liverpool 21 December 1836. Died 16 May 1918.
Bought Servantes' lieutenancy. Maori language interpreter Nov 1861 - Oct 1863 (ATL photo).
Served Taranaki 16 January - 31 March 1861.
Arrived Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 25 March 1858. Departed Napier for Auckland on the Pegasus 23 September 1858. Returned to Napier from Auckland on the Pegasus 31 October 1858. Attended Governor's levee at Napier 26 May 1859. Departed Napier for Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 11 August 1859, returned to Napier on same ship 26 August. Departed Napier 4 January 1861 on the Robert Lowe, arrived New Plymouth 16 January, conveyed to Waitara on the Victoria 17 January, marched to Kairau that day.
Arrived Manukau from New Plymouth on the Airedale 29 May 1861. Arrived New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSs Harrier 4 March 1863.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Euphrates. Escorted invalids home on the Himalaya.
Battles - Huirangi 10 February 1861, Katikara, Paparata Waikato 1863.
(holding tomahawk) Alexander Turnbull Library (PA1-q-250-49-2). |
(left of photo, holding hat) Alexander Turnbull Library (PA1-q-250-24-2). |
Alexander Turnbull Library (PA2-2876). |
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 4 August 1863, Lieutenant 11 December 1866, Captain 15 September 1869. Transferred to 84th Regt. 5 January 1870. Retired 12 November 1873, receiving value of Commission.
Hart's 1870 - Captain Bax served with the 65th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1863-65, and was present at the storming and capture of Orakau.
Born London 20 March 1845.
New Zealand Medal 1864-65.
Served in New Zealand from November 1863. Departed New Zealand on the John Temperley.
Battles - Orakau
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 31 January 1840, Lieutenant 31 December 1841, Captain 19 August 1850.
Born Halifax, Nova Scotia 11 February 1822. Died in Wanganui 11 August 1857.
Commanded a party constructing the Wellington to Porirua road, between May 1846 and November 1849. Departed Wellington for Wanganui on the Shepherdess 5 July 1854, with his company.
TH - " a few days before his death he was conversing cheerfully on the prospect of revisiting his native country, with the command entrusted to him of two companies of the 65th."
Arrived in New Zealand on the Osprey, died in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 70th Regt. 8 May 1846, Lieutenant 22 December 1848, 65th Regt. 14 October 1851, Captain 1 May 1855, Major 7 January 1869, Lieut. Colonel 12 February 1873, h.p. 16 February 1878. Major-General at time of death.
Born Essex 14 December 1825. Died in Kensington 14 November 1908.
Hart's 1870 - Captain Blewitt served in the New Zealand war of 1863-65 (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
Served: East Indies 8 May 1849 - 10 January 1851; New Zealand 6 March 1854 - 22 February 1862, New Zealand October 1863 - October 1865; India January 1871.
Charles Blewitt
(from family collection)
Present at funeral of Captain Bazalgette, Wanganui, August 1857.
Arrived at Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 13 April 1859.
At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864. Commanding No. 1 company at Rangiaowhia on 21 March 1864 [DSC 31March 1864]. On 30 March, he was ordered to Orakau. m.i.d. by Cameron 3 April 1864 ”for his zeal and energy in having led a party of the 65th and Waikato Militia through a dense bush and over deep swamp by a track reported impassable and known to be in possession of the enemy. The arrival of his party completely surrounded the enemy”.
Mentioned in following Times newspaper articles:
Steward and judge at horse racing meeting, at Te Awamutu, 16 Feb. 1865. Departed Onehunga for Wanganui on the Ahuriri 3 July 1865.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Egmont. Continued on to Wellington from Auckland on the Balnaguith. Departed New Zealand on the Kate.
Returned to New Zealand on the Chariot of Fame, departed on the John Temperley.
His wife (Ani Te Kai, a daughter of Te Awhitu of Te Atiawa Taranaki) and two sons died in New Zealand and he left a daughter there (whom he cared for financially). Remarried in 1870. Three daughters and two sons.
Battles - Rangiaowhia, Hairini, Orakau, Wanganui - attack and capture Pahat Meriora in 1865 under Lieut. Colonel Trevor 2-14th.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 65th Regt.14 February 1851, Lieutenant 2 September 1853, Captain 15 June 1860. Transferred to 2-14th Regt. on 5 July 1861 till retirement in 1865, exchanged with William Gresson.
Born Stiffkey Norfolk 16 November 1832.
Arrived Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 27 February 1858. Attended Governor's levee at Napier 26 May 1859.
On 7 Dec. 1860, commanded a party of 30 men from Bell blockhouse which joined a force, commanded by Major Hutchins, searching for native forces in the area. Also accompanied another force of 200 men, commanded by Col. Wyatt on 11 Dec, in the area. Commanded 30 men which drove off an enemy party, which had been dancing near the Ninia pa and were driving off and shooting cattle, near Bell Block on 27 Dec. 1860.
Arrived New Plymouth from Auckland on the Wonga Wonga 6 November 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau on H.M.S. Niger 29 April 1861. Arrived Wellington from Auckland on the Lord Worsley 14 June 1862.
In Wellington Oct. 1864, welcomed Col. Dwyer's return [WI 8 Oct 1864]. Arrived Wanganui from Wellington on s.s. Wanganui 4 February 1865.
Arrived in New Zealand on the True Briton. Retired and settled in New Zealand. Died 7 September 1868, of wounds at Te Ngutu o Te Manu.
Captain George Buck (after transferring to the 14th Regt.
Alexander Turnbull Library - 1/4-004498-G
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 22 June 1847 (1st Royals), 65th 20 October 1849, Lieutenant 18 September 1851, Captain 8 December 1854, Major 6 July 1867. Retired 24 April 1872.
Hart's 1870 - Major Bulkeley served with the 65th Regt. in New Zealand during the war of 1860-61, and that of 1863-65, and was present at the actions at Warea and Kairna, capture of Matarikoriko, sapping operations before Huiranga and Pakerangiora, actions at Huiranga and Ratikiri, and attack and capture of Orakau; was senior officer 65th Regt. at the latter place and accompanied the night march previous to the attack. Appointed Aide de Camp to Governor Sir George Grey [1 July 1862 - 30 September 1865] and present at the attack and capture of Wareroa (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
Born, Bath 5 May 1828. Died, Bournemouth, 25 December 1901.
Attended Queen's Birthday levées, Wellington, on 24 May 1850 and 1851.
Brought before magistrate's court on 16 Sept. 1851, at Wellington, with Lieut. Slegg, on a charge of breaking windows of Hugh Ross and Wm. Bannister. Mr. Bulkeley said he did not understand being brought up for nothing, and as for expressing regret he had not done so, as he never regretted doing what he had not done. Case dismissed.
Arrived Lyttelton from Auckland aboard the Victoria 19 March 1852, accompanying the Governor-in-Chief and Lieut.-Governor Colonel Wynyard. Arrived Auckland from Wellington aboard the Victoria 15 April 1852, accompanying Lieut.-Governor Colonel Wynyard. Attended Queen's Birthday levée, Auckland, on 24 May 1852. Arrived Wellington from Auckland (30 July), via Taranaki aboard the Gwalior, 28 August 1852. Attended ball at New Wellington Hotel, Wellington 31 August 1852. Departed Manukau aboard the Éclair for New Plymouth 18 September 1852. Visited New Plymouth from Manukau on Éclair 1 October 1852 - 6 October 1852. On 23 October 1852, at St. Paul's Church, Auckland, he married Rosanna Maria, eldest daughter of Major Cockraft, H.M. 58th Regt. Arrived Auckland from Coromandel on Bon Accord 24 November 1852. Arrived Wellington aboard the Victoria from Auckland on 22 December 1852 with his wife. Wife gave birth to a son, at Wellington 11 July 1853. Departed Wellington 15 May 1854 aboard the Nelson, visiting Nelson 17 May, New Plymouth 21 May for day, en route to Auckland. He and wife arrived Nelson from Wellington on Zingari 1 August 1855, departed for Auckland 4 August. Departed Auckland for Russell aboard the Wonga Wonga 21 April 1856. Departed Auckland for Russell aboard the Wonga Wonga 26 May 1856. Arrived Auckland from Wahapu, Bay of Islands, with wife and two children, aboard the St. Kilda, 21 August 1857. Arrived New Plymouth from Manukau, with wife and two children, on Osprey 27 March 1858. Steward of Waitara Races planned for 21 March 1860 (cancelled). A son born 28 June 1860 at New Plymouth. Arrived Auckland from New Plymouth aboard the Airedale 27 July 1860 and took command of the detachment at Auckland 29 July, despite being on sick leave, in order to relieve Captain Stack of his claim to command there. Member of the Governor's entourage at meeting of Legislative Council in Auckland 30 July 1860. Returned to New Plymouth aboard HM sloop Victoria, arriving 5 December 1860. Was a member of the force that marched from New Plymouth to Waitara 28 Dec. 1860. On 23 February 1861, at Auckland, his youngest son, Cecil Francis, died, aged 6 months. Departed New Plymouth for Auckland aboard the Airedale 31 March 1861. On 13 September 1861, at Auckland, his eldest son, William John Grey Bulkeley, died, aged 8 years and 2 months. Departed Auckland for Napier aboard the Queen 7 Aug. 1862. Arrived New Plymouth from Manukau aboard HMSS Harrier 4 March 1863, arrived Wellington 10th. Departed Wellington for Auckland aboard HMSS Harrier 10 Oct. 1862. On 14 March 1863, at Auckland, his son, Harold Wynn, died, aged 3 months. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau aboard the Lady Bird 3 June 1863. Commanded a detachment of 65th, escorting the senior officers who, on 2 March 1864, steamed from Ngaruawahia up the Horitiu (Waikato) aboard the Pioneer and Koheroa and surveyed the area near Maungatautari. In command of the 65th detachment of the force under Major Blyth (40th) that marched from Te Awamutu to Orakau via Kihikihi and south of the Punui river early morning of 31 March 1864. Pall-bearer at funeral of Major W. V. Herford CTC, at Otahuhu on 1 July 1864. Arrived Tauranga from Auckland aboard HMS Miranda, accompanying the Governor and General Cameron 4 August 1864. Present at Te Papa peace conference with surrendered natives on the 7th. Arrived Kawau Island from Tauranga, with Governor Grey, aboard HMS Miranda 8 August 1864. Present at opening of General Assembly session, Auckland 24 Nov. 1864. Departed Auckland aboard the Airedale 'for the south' 8 January 1865. Arrived Dunedin from 'northern ports' aboard the Prince Alfred 27 Jan. 1865. Cleared outwards from Auckland for Wellington aboard the Egmont 17 June 1865. Present with Governor Grey at Wereroa 17 July 1865. Present, with the Governor, at laying of cathedral foundation stone Wellington 21 August 1865. Resigned as aide de camp to depart with his regiment. Departed Wellington for Auckland aboard the Lord Ashley 25 August 1865.
Probably ('Mr Bulkeley') arrived in New Zealand aboard the Lady Nugent, departed aboard the Rob Roy.
Battles - Warea, Kairna, Matarikoriko, Huiranga, Pukerangiora, Huiranga, Ratikiri, Hairini, Orakau, capture of Wereroa.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 16 March 1858, Lieutenant 18 July 1862, Adjutant 11 January 1867, Captain 12 February 1870, Brevet Major 17 August 1870.
Hart's 1870 - Lieut. Butler served with the 65th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1880-61, and also in that of 1863-65. Commanded a company and was severely wounded at Camerontown 7th Sept. 1863 (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
Born Cashel Co. Tipperary 28 July 1837. Died 10 July 1874. Departed New Zealand aboard the Hero, departed Melbourne on the Royal Dane.
Engagements – Kaihihi reconnaissance expedition, Kaihihi, Kairau, Matarikoriko, Huirangi 22 Jan - 2 Feb. 61, Huirangi 10 Feb. - 18 March 1861, Camerontown (severely wounded).
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 25 January 1859, Lieutenant 19 August 1863, Instructor of Musketry - 31 May 1865. (1st Class Certificate at Fleetwood), Captain 25 April 1868, Major 9 December 1876, Lieut. Colonel York and Lancaster Regt. 1 July 1881. Commanding 1st Batt. York and Lancaster Regiment 16 February 1883.
Hart's 1887 - Colonel Byam served with the 65th Regiment in the New Zealand war in 1863-65 (Medal). Served in the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 with the 1st Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Born London 12 January 1841.
Arrived in New Zealand aboard the Chariot of Fame, departed on the Rob Roy.
Battles – Rangiaowhia.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 6 February 1863, Lieutenant 29 June 1866, Captain 25 December 1867. Retirement by sale of commission 24 April 1868.
Born Warchop Westmoreland 7 September 1842
Reported as at the Depot (Times 3 January 1866) – may not have been in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 8 July 1862.
Born Sunderland 7 August 1843. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864. Died 21 April 1864, at Te Awamutu of wounds at Orakau. On 14 April he was reported, in the Daily Southern Cross, as fast recovering, "but suffering from a severe cold which much retards his recovery". The morning before his death "he was so far recovered as to leave his bed, but during the night he relapsed, and towards morning he was attacked by a severe fit of coughing, and at six p.m. Thursday he expired, notwithstanding the unwearied attention of Surgeon-Major White, M.D., of the 65th Regiment."(DSC 22 April). An autopsy revealed that a ball had passed through the left lobe of the right lung, and broke two ribs.
There seems to be a lot of confusion as to this unfortunate young man's name. Hart lists an "Edward Chaytor" - same man. Newspapers also sometimes spelt his name as Chater, Cheeter, and Chayter.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Chariot of Fame, died in New Zealand. He was buried at Te Awamutu, on east end of St John's church. (grave)
Battles - Rangiaowhia, Hairini, Orakau.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Lieutenant Ayrshire Militia 21 April 1855, Ensign 14 January 1856, Lieutenant 7 December 1858, Captain 29 June 1866.
Born St Helier, Jersey 25 September 1832. Died in Agra, 9 July 1872.
Joined 65th Regiment in New Zealand from depot 13 October 1858, as acting Instructor of Musketry.
Served Warea 20-30 April 1860, Waitara & Huirangi 10-13 Sep 1860, Mahoetahi, Huirarangi 22 January 1861, Omata 23 January 1861.
Thrown from his horse and broke his collar bone while riding on the beach at Taranaki, early July 1860. Camp Adjutant at Galloway Redoubt, Wairoa district, August-September 1863.
Wounded at Rangiriri, slight - left leg; and at Orakau (falling on bayonet).
New Zealand Medal 1860-61, 1863-65.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the Emily Allison 21 October 1858.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth on Lord Ashley 29 July 1859. To act as paymaster of Taranaki Militia 3 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on the Victoria 2 June 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale from Manukau 10 February 1862. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on H.M.S Eclipse 28 June 1863.
Possibly arrived in New Zealand on the Oriental - on passenger list - for Wellington - "G.R. Chevalier". As this does not name his rank or regiment, because he was an ensign at that time, I have found that they were often listed as Mr., or just the name as in this case. Departed New Zealand on the John Temperley.
Battles - Mahoetahi, Katikara, Rangiriri, Hairini, Orakau.
Was an expert marksman – Point Chevalier in Auckland is [??local legend, but I have not yet found original source material - possibly - need to find confirmation - was already named that by 1861 - ref in TH??] named after him, as this was where the army rifle range was.
Taranaki Herald, 16 February 1861, p. 2 (3): “The efficacy of the Enfield rifle at a long range was proved a few days since, Lieut. Chevalier, 65th regt., fired a few rounds from the Omata Stockade at a body of natives on Waireka Hill, a distance of 2,500 yards. The rifle was given sufficient elevation by adding to the length of the sight, and a steady aim taken. Two shots we are told by the Poutoko natives, took effect, wounding two natives – one (Himeona of Warea) having been so severely wounded, that he was carried to Warea. The distance was so great that the natives neither heard the report of the rifle, nor knew where the bullet came from.”
Highest rank in New Zealand – served in ranks.
Promotion record - Promoted from QM Sergeant to Quartermaster 26 July 1873, exchanged to Inniskilling Fusilers 13 November 1875, Hon rank Capt 26 July 1883.
Born 1 August 1835.
Served in ranks 19 years 343 days, Served NZ 1860-1, 1863-4.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign (West Indian Regt) 22 July 1859, Lieutenant 11 May 1860, 18th Regt. 18 December 1860, 65th Regt. 8 January 1864, Captain 10 July 1872. Retired h.p. 21 January 1874.
Born London 24 July 1833.
Served West Indies May 1860 - May 1861, New Zealand April 1863 - October 1865, India Jan 71. In Waikato 1863-4 DA Com Gen 2 November 1863 - 30 September 1865.
New Zealand Gazette - FLP Trench's (40th) report - in action near Queen's Redoubt 2 September 1863.
New Zealand Medal 1863-65.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Elizabeth Ann Bright (3 July 1863 - as an officer in 2/18th Regt.), departed on the Rob Roy.
Battles Rokena (Pokeno?) skirmish, 2/18th, 1863-4?.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record - Ensign 11 September 1857, appointed 70th Regt. 12 February 1858, Lieutenant 12 January 1859. Retired by sale of commission 1860.
Born Graham Town 16 April 1839.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 19 March 1841, Lieutenant 12 September 1843. Retired 7 June 1850.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847. Departed Wellington for Wanganui (from leave) on Eleanor Lancaster 13 November 1847.
Played for Light Company against rest of Garrison in cricket match in Wanganui, 31 December 1847.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Wanganui on the Govt. Brig Victoria 16 March 1849.
Inherited "the large and rich" estate of his father the Honorable James Cuthbert, who died at the Manor House, Berthier, in the district of Montreal, Canada, on the 5th of March, 1849, at the advanced age of 80 years.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign (unatt.) 8 April 1826, 73rd Regt. 24 July 1828, Lieutenant 9 December 1831, Captain (unatt.) 19 December 1845, 65th Regt. 28 April 1846, Major (unatt.) 30 September 1856, 18th Regt. 26 October 1858. Major in Cape Mounted Rifles 30 March 1860.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui 23 February 1849 on the Government Brig Victoria with his company to relieve Captain Wolfe's company.
Served Australian Colonies 1847, 2 years, 7 months half pay.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 17 November 1863, Lieutenant 8 June 1867. Retired receiving value of commission 27 June 1874.
Born Curteen, Co. Waterford 2 June 1843.
In New Zealand from October 1864 to October 1865, India 23 March 1870.
New Zealand Medal 1865.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Nelson. Departed - appears in passenger lists for both the Prince Alfred (30 September 1865) and the Rob Roy.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 17th Regt. 13 September 1833, Lieutenant 1 April 1836, Captain 65th Regt. 3 March 1843, retired h.p. 1 February 1850, Adjutant 2nd Royal Surrey Militia 16 September 1852, Major 20 June 1854, Lieut. Colonel 17 October 1859, Staff Captain Invalid Depot Chatham 20 December 1859, to h.p. 16 February 1864.
Died 1884.
Served Scinde War 1843, Afghan Campaign 1838-42, Medal
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 10 May 1864, Lieutenant 20 July 1867, Captain 3 August 1870. Exchanged to 61st Regt.31 May 1871, Major Gloucester Regt. 1 July 1881.
Born Loppington, Salop 4 February 1845.
Reported to be at Depot (Times 3 January 1866). May not have been to New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 8 December 1854, Lieutenant 44th Regt.15 February 1856, 9th Regt. 23 September 57 - 1865
Born Loppington, Salop 3 December 1836.
Unknown if he served in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 6 December 1844, Lieutenant 53rd Regt. 30 November 1849.
Died 1856.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Thomas Lowry 23 July 1847.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 20 March 1846.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui on the Government Brig Victoria 23 February 1849.
Departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Java
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 6 October 1843, Lieutenant 16 December 1845. Retired by sale of commission 27 June 1851.
Born Stoke Suffolk 9 May 1825.
Served Australia 4 January 1847 - 25 April 1850.
NZS - Arrived at Wellington from Bay of Islands 29 October 1847.
Departed from UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Sir Robert Peel.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign (from RMC without purchase) 7 December 1844, Lieutenant 7 July 1850, Captain 28 March 1854. Retired by sale of commission 8 December 1854, Captain 2nd West York Light Infantry Militia 24 February 1855, Adjutant 2 April 1855, retired Hon. Major 11 April 1867.
Born Dedham Essex 14/78/1827. Died 1883.
Served New Zealand 18 May 1846 - 21 March 1851.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Thomas Lowry 23 July 1847.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
Departed Wellington for Auckland on HM Brig Victoria 7 October 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Fairy Queen.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 50th Regt. 9 November 1858, 65th Regt. 13 May 1859.
Born Stockport Cheshire 2 September 1837, died Birr 12 October 1862.
As he died at the Depot, it is unlikely he visited New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 2/18th Regt. 23 December 1864, 65th Regt. 12 January 1866, Lieutenant 20 November 1867, Captain 26 February 1873, Brevet Major 17 May 1879.
Born Newcastle on Tyne 14 August 1844.
In Wanganui 1864-5 in 2/18th Regt. Transferred to the 65th Regt (exchanged with Swindley) 12 January 1866.
Served in India Jan 1871. Medal Roll - NZ Medal 1865.
Highest Rank in New Zealand – Colonel (Major General at departure)
Promotion record - Ensign 20 March 1828, Lieutenant 28 October 1831, Captain 5 February 1836, Major 4 October 1844, Lieut. Colonel 30 December 1845, Colonel 20 June 1854, Major General 15 June 1860, Lieut. General 1 December 1868.
Born Woolwich Common 6 January 1809. Died in Dover 29 July 1871.
Served Berbice West Indies December 1829 - 1833, America (Canada) September 1838 - July 1841, New Zealand September 1846 - June 1861.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Assumed command forces in New Zealand 1 November 1858, while with the HQ regiment in Auckland. Commanding officer in Taranaki until replaced by Major General Pratt. Retired command of the 65th Foot 1 October 1860.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the Moa 4 October 1858.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth on SS Airedale 1 March 1860. Patron of Waitara Races 21 March 1860 (cancelled). Departed New Plymouth for Auckland on HMS Cordelia 12 October 1860. Two of his daughters were married the same day, 28 November 1860, at St. Stephen's, Tauramia, by the Bishop of New Zealand - his eldest daughter, Hannah Charlotte Clara to Lieut. Francis Alexander Hume, R.N.; his third daughter Caroline to Matthew Fortescue.
Reported to be aboard the Robert Lowe, with his family, at Wellington on 6 January 1861, which then proceeded to Auckland, via New Plymouth, arriving 24 January.
Was an amateur water colour artist – painted a whole collection of paintings.
Departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Sir Robert Peel, departed New Zealand on the Robert Lowe.
Engagement - Te Kohia pa.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 17 July 1860. Retired 19 August 1862.
Born Drummondville Upper Canada.
Son of Col. Gold (? Pretty sure). Served in Taranaki 11 October 1860 - 31 May 1861, Omata 23 February 1861.
TH – Arrived New Plymouth from Auckland 11 October 1860, on HMS Cordelia. Departed New Plymouth on HMSS Niger for Manukau 16 April 1861.
TH – Arrived in New Plymouth on the Wonga Wonga from Wanganui 15 January 1862.
Probably (as a member of Col. Gold's family) departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Sir Robert Peel.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 92nd Regt. 5 October 1841, Lieutenant 65th Regt. 16 September 1845, Army rank 4 July 1845, Captain 6 June 1854. Retired by sale of commission 7 September 1855.
Born Rothiemurchut, New Brunswick 29 June 1821.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington on the Government Brig Victoria from Auckland 1 June 1853.
Given a company in 1855 (65th diary). Departed Auckland for Wellington on H.M.S. Racehorse , 18 December 1846 with 31 men.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Departed England on the Lord Auckland, arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 80th Regt.1 September 1854, Lieutenant 12 February 1858, Captain 4 March 1862, 65th Regt. 24 November 1863.
Born Berkshire 12 August 1836. Married Janet Elizabeth Cherry, niece of Lieut. Gen. Cameron, 20 June 1865, at St Pauls Auckland.
Joined 65th Regt. 24 November 1863 - exchanged with Ord. Transferred from the 80th Regt., stationed in India.
Served Cape of Good Hope September 1856 – January 1858, India January 1858 – December 1859 (Jumma 5 March 1858) and December 1862 – September 1863. Medal for service in Indian Mutiny and donation of 6 months' pay. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
New Zealand Medal - 1863-65
Battles - Rangiaowhia, Hairini, Orakau (Wounded - slight).
Arrived in New Zealand on the Himalaya, departed on the Prince Alfred (1 August 1865, with General Cameron).
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Major (Army rank – Captain)
Promotion record - Ensign 27th Regt. 13 May 1852, Lieutenant 26 May 1854, Captain 18 October 1859, 2/14th Regt.10 July 1860, 65th Regt. 16 April 1861, Brevet Major 1 March 1864. Retirement by sale of commission 25 December 1867.
Born Moneygall, Co. Tipperary 14 May 1831. Died Cheltenham, 18 April 1904.
Transferred to 65th from 2/14th on 5 July 1861(??), exchanged with George Buck.
Served: East Indies October 1854 - February 1859, New Zealand October 1860 - April 1864.
Commanded patrols scouring the bush south of New Plymouth in June 1863. Commanded storming party of 2 companies at Rangiriri, where he was severely wounded - right arm shattered (subsequently amputated), penetrated back. Granted annuity of £100 per annum for 3 years. Invalided home. Promoted Brevet Maj. for his actions. Married Mary Fleming Tinning 9 August 1866, at Castlemilk Lockerbie Dumfriesshire in Scotland. Fathered 12 children - one of his of seven sons joining the 65th (by then the York & Lancaster Regt.) in 1889.
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61, 1863-65.
Was one of the members (as an officer in the 2/14th Regt.) on the General Court Martial of Captain Stack which commenced 17 December 1860 in Auckland.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale from Manukau 10 February 1862. Departed New Plymouth on for Manukau H.M.S Eclipse 28 June 1863. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 16 September 1863.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Robert Lowe (29 November 1860, as an officer in the 2/14th Regt.), departed on the Light Brigade.
Battles - Katikara, Kiri Kiri, Rangiriri.
William Henry Gresson, in pre-1856 uniform
Gresson family collection
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record - Ensign 65th Regt. (without purchase) 6 October 1854, 4th Regt.17 January 1855, Lieutenant 9 March 1855. Retired by sale of commission 1858.
Born Woolwich 28 February 1827.
Served in the ranks of Sappers and Miners 1 April 1844 – 1 August 1854 - Sergeant.
5th Class Medjidie - service in Crimea ? Unlikely to have served in NZ.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 4 April 1851, Lieutenant 25 November 1853, Captain 7 December 1858, Brevet Major 5 July 1872, Major 12 February 1873. Retired 17 May 1876.
Born London 30 September 33. Died 18 April 1917.
Graduated RMC without purchase Instructor Musketry 13th Regt., ADC to Gen. Murray 13 December 66 - 31 December 1870, East Indies 1874, Depot Battalion 1 June 1860 - 1 July 1863.
HBH - Arrived in Napier from Auckland on the Eastfield 7 February 1858. Departed Napier for Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 18 June 1858.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the City of Melbourne 4 October 1858.
Mentioned at depot in Times 3 January 1866.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Euphrates, departed on the Mary Ann.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign (from RMC without purchase) 2 July 1861, Lieutenant 17 March 1865. Retired 12 October 1867.
Born Trincomalee, Ceylon 6 October 1843.
In New Zealand from 1861. Promoted Lieut. of A H Lewis, on his death, without purchase.
At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864. Arrived in Manukau from Wanganui on the Ahuriri 22 September 1865.
New Zealand Medal - 1861, 1863-65.
Departed New Zealand on the Rob Roy. (not in DSC passenger list)
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 28 March 1854, Lieutenant 2 October 1855, Captain 4 August 1863, 40th Regt. 17 January 1865, 2/18th Regt. 16 October 66. Retirement by sale of commission in July 1867 list.
Born Roscrea, Co. Tipperary 28 February 1836.
TH - arrived Auckland on St. Kilda or Osprey from Bay of Islands with 80 men.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the Sarah 4 October 1858.
At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Euphrates.
TH - appears to have returned to New Zealand on the Chariot of Fame from UK.
Battles - Rangiaowhia
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 2 February 1864, Lieutenant 6 July 1867, Captain 23 March 1870. Retired receiving value of commission 12 February 1873.
Born Colchester 5 April 1846.
Ensign from RMC. Instructor of Musketry 9 April 1868.
In New Zealand October 1864 - December 1865.
New Zealand Medal 1864-65.
Arrived in New Zealand the Glendevon, departed on the Rob Roy.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Major
Promotion record - 2nd Lieut. 21st Regt. 7 January 1826, Lieutenant 6 January 1827, Lieutenant 49th Regt. 30 March 1827, 84th Regt. 1 January 1843, unatt. 7 January 1844, Captain 65th Regt. 3 October 1845, Brevet Major 9 November 1846, exchanged to h.p. 28 May 1852, Lieut. Colonel 20 June 1854.
Born Middlesex 1 July 1805. Died 1856.
Served India and China 2/32 - 9/43. Australian colonies 31 October 46 - 21 March 51.
Arrived Wellington from Auckland on H.M.S. Driver, 19 December 1846 with 3 officers, 122 men.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
NZS - (possibly) Departed Wellington for Auckland on HM Brig Victoria 7 October 1849.
Medal for serving in China.
Departed England on the China, arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Fairy Queen.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 10 August 1855, Lieutenant 6 July 1858. Exchanged to 18th Regt. 8 January 1864.
Born Dunnichens Forfar 2 June 1833.
Served with the 65th in the war of 1861 in New Zealand and was engaged in operations at Taranaki. 2/18th Regt., 1864.
Active service - Taranaki 16 January 1861 - 31 March 1861. Present at No. 3 Redoubt 23 November 1861, Huirangi 10 February 1861.
HBH - Arrived in Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 18 March 1858.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Napier on the Henry 21 October 1858. Attended Governor's levee at Napier 26 May 1859. Departed Napier 4 January 1861 on the Robert Lowe, arrived New Plymouth 16 January, conveyed to Waitara on the Victoria 17 January, marched to Kairau that day.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Lancashire Witch, departed Australia on the Carona (arrived Plymouth 16 November 1870).
Battles - No. 3 Redoubt.
Falcon Peter Leonard, 65th
Alexander Turnbull Library - E-309-q-2-022
claims that he died at Camp Te Papa, Tauranga on 4 August 1864.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 15 June 1855, Lieutenant (and Adjutant) 19 February 1858.
Born Moylescar co. Westneath 31 January 1836. Died at Te Awamutu, 16 March 1865, of inflammation of the bowels. Tablet erected to memory by Regiment in St John's church cemetery at Te Awamutu and also in church of his native place.
[Raikes] Served active in field Taranaki - 1 March 1860 - 31 March 1861 expedition to Warea 20-30 April 1860, Kairau 29-30 December 1860, Matarikoriko 31 October 1860, Maturea 22 January 1861, Omala [sic] 23 February 1861, Pukorangiora [sic] 5 March 1861. Twice m.i.d.
Wounded at Rangiriri - severe - left arm - granted 3 months’ pay as Adjutant for wound.
Member of Firing Party at funeral of A.C.G. J. C. R. Wood, at Wellington, in June 1858. Arrived Auckland from Wellington aboard the Moa 4 October 1858. Arrived New Plymouth from Manukau aboard SS Airedale 1 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau aboard HMS Niger 29 April 1861.
TH – Arrived New Plymouth aboard the Wonga Wonga from Wanganui 15 January 1862.
Arrived in New Zealand aboard the Lancashire Witch, died in New Zealand.
Battles - Te Kohia, Expedition to Warea, Kairau, Matarikoriko, Waireka Hill 22 Jan 1861, Omata 23 Feb. 1861, Kiri Kiri, Rangiriri, Rangiaowhia
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign (1st West India Regt.) 28 April 1854, 65th Regt 6 June 1854, Lieutenant 28 December 1855, Captain 40th Regt. 2 February 1864, 65th Regt. 17 January 1865. Retirement by sale of commission 23 March 1870.
b Kilmacow, co. Kilkenny 13 March 1834.
TH - Auckland to Wellington on Kate Kearney, April 1858 - one week in New Plymouth. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on H.M.S Eclipse 28 June 1863. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
New Zealand Medal 1863-65.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Euphrates, departed on the Rob Roy.
Battles - Katikara.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 29 July 1853, Lieutenant 8 December 1854. Retired by sale of commission 28 December 1855.
Born Ballycastle Killala Mayo 3 April 1833.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant (h.p.)
Promotion record - Ensign 14 February 1816, Lieutenant 31 October 1818, placed on half pay 4 April 1823.
Died 24 September 1851 at Auckland. 53 years old at death.
Barrack Master at Auckland 1850-51. Hart's 1848-49 - BM Sydney (also Hobart, mentioned in a Hobart death notice).
Vice president of Auckland Mechanics Institute. Pallbearer for Maj.-Gen. Pitt, January 1851.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Major (Army rank – Captain)
Promotion record - Ensign 31 December 1841, Lieutenant 13 June 1845, Captain 28 May 1852, Brevet Major 28 January 1862, Major 17 April 1866, Lieut. Colonel 7 January 1869. Retired 12 February 1873.
Born Rochdale 2 June 1820.
Served Australian Colonies 18 May 1846 - 6 June 1851. Active service in field - Taranaki January 1861 - 31 March 1861.
In Waitara 23 January 1861 (PT)
Commanded 65th detachment at defence of No. 3 Redoubt, m.i.d. Leslie's despatch 23 January 1861, Pratt to Military Secretary, Horse Guards 23 January 1861.
New Zealand Medal 1846-7, 1860-61, 1863-65
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847. Commanded a company of the 65th at Fort Richmond in the Hutt 21 August 1847.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Wanganui on the Govt. Brig Victoria 16 March 1849.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
HBH - Arrived in Napier from Auckland on the Eastfield 7 February 1858. Tunic in Napier museum. Attended Governor's levee at Napier 26 May 1859.
Departed Napier 4 January 1861 on the Robert Lowe, arrived New Plymouth 16 January, conveyed to Waitara on the Victoria 17 January, marched to Kairau that day.
Departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Java. TH - commanded draft which arrived on the Euphrates. Departed on the John Temperley.
Battles - No. 3 Redoubt, Huirangi 10 February 1861.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 14 May 1852 (without purchase, vice Bulkeley), Lieutenant 15 June 1854, Captain 11 May 1860. Retired sale of commission 17 May 1861.
Born India 12 April 1831.
In Taranaki 17 January - 31 March 1861.
Departed Napier 4 January 1861 on the Robert Lowe, arrived New Plymouth 16 January, conveyed to Waitara on the Victoria 17 January, marched to Kairau that day.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Egmont. Continued on to Wellington from Auckland on the Balnaguith.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 14 June 1850, Lieutenant 28 May 1852, Captain 7 September 1855. Retired by sale of commission 24 September 1858.
Born Walcot Bath 21 January 1829. Died 13 January 1865, suicide – gunshot - revolver to temple.
Served in New Zealand August 1852 - September 1858.
"Octavius was a wild and reckless lad and I am still trying to piece together his life in New Zealand. He came to a sticky end on the 13 January 1865 when he committed suicide in Napier. His portrait is interesting as it was painted in Dieppe France."
Octavius Marsh
(from family collection)
Married Bedelia MacGillicuddy on 29 July 1858. She had been a passenger, aged 13 or 14, with her parents on the ship that Marsh came in New Zealand on in 1852. She gave birth to a daughter 6 June 1865, after he died.
Cork Examiner - 1 May, 1865 “On the 13th Jan., at Napier, New Zealand, Captain Octavius John Blake Marsh, late H. M. 65th Regt. of Haverlock [sic], N.Z., youngest son of the late Major Marsh, Bath.”
As reported in the Hawke's Bay Herald, 17 January 1865, in the report of the post-mortem:
"[evidence of Sergeant -Major Scully, Napier Police] 'His manner was always eccentric. I believe his demeanour lately has been such as to be dangerous to those about him. I believe differences had existed between himself and his wife which preyed on his mind.'
This having concluded the evidence, the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased shot himself when under the influeuce of temporary insanity."
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth from Wellington on Duke of Portland 6 September 1855. Visited New Plymouth from Wanganui 2 April 1858 - 17 June 1858 on Jane Peata.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Persia, died in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Paymaster (Hon. Major)
Promotion record - Ensign 2 September 1836, Lieutenant 19 March 1841, Hon. Major 1 January 1860. Retired h.p. 6 February 1863, retired 27 January 1864.
Paymaster 3 April 1846.
Born Yarmouth Norfolk 23 July 1814
Served North America November 1838 - July 1841, Australian Colonies May 1846 - March 1856, New Zealand March 1860 – 1861.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the City of Melbourne 4 October 1858.
TH – Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale 27 April 1861.
New Zealand Medal.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Surgeon
Promotion record - Asst. Surgeon 11th Regt. 11 April 1845, Surgeon 65th Regt. 12 January 1855. Exchanged to Staff Surgeon 2nd Class 31 April 1858, Staff Surgeon h.p.18 November 1859.
Born Mauritius 6 March 1822. Died 2 April 1861.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 65th Regt. 13 March 1846, exchanged to 70th Regt. 14 January 1851, Lieutenant 7 February 1851, Captain 19th Regt. 2 July 1858, Major 1 April 1870. h.p. 7 June 1870.
Born Mauritius 21 September 1829. Died 1872.
Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record - Ensign 15 January 1856.
Born Leghorn 22 August 1834.
Cashiered by sentence of General Court Martial 16 February 1857.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 98th Regt. 28 March 1842, Lieutenant 23 June 1843, 65th Regt. 12 January 1844, Captain 13 December 1850. Retired by sale of commission 20 April 1852.
Born Valognes, France 5 June 1822.
Served in China 1 January 1844 - September 1844, Australian Colonies 1 January 1846 - 22 August 1848.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Porirua on H.M.S. Calliope 29 July 1846. NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui on HMS Inflexible 3 June 1847.
Departed the UK on the Pestonjee Bomanjee, arrived in New Zealand on the Levant, departed on H.M.S. Racehorse.
Battles - Horokiri, St John's Wood.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Staff Asst. Surgeon.
Promotion record – Asst. Surgeon 15 September 1857, Asst. Surgeon Staff 15 September 57, 58th Regt. 3 November 1857, 65th Regt. 28 January 1859, Staff 9 January 1863, h.p. 17 November 1869.
Born Armagh 11 December 1832
Served in New Zealand till February 1858.
Testified at an inquest into death of a sergeant of the 65th Regt. in Napier, March 1859. Attended Governor's levee at Napier 26 May 1859.
TH – Arrived in New Plymouth on the Wonga Wonga from Wanganui 15 January 1862. Departed New Plymouth for Wanganui on the Sea Gull 17 January 1863. Arrived in New Plymouth from Wanganui on the Storm Bird 19 February 1863. Departed on the Storm Bird for Manukau 3 March 1863.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 7 October 1842, Lieutenant 23 September 1845, Captain 20 July 1853. Retired sale of commission 7 December 1858.
Born Dublin 13 September 1822. Died Dublin 23 November 1866.
Served in New Zealand May 1846 till February 1857.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui 23 February 1849 on the Government Brig Victoria. Departed Wellington with 35 soldiers for Wanganui on the Rainbow 6 March 1849.
In 31 August 1855 - commanded 6th Company to New Plymouth.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth from Wellington on Duke of Portland 6 September 1855.
Arrived in Tasmania on the John Calvin, New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Dart.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Enlisted 12 January 1845 (No. 2194 Private), Ensign (from Colour Sergeant, without purchase) 8 September 1863. Retired 1 September 1865 and remained in New Zealand. He then joined the Forest Rangers as Ensign in 14 December 1865 and served throughout General Chute's campaign. Retired 31 March 1866.
Born Leeds, Yorkshire. Died 8 June 1908 in Palmerston North, New Zealand. Buried in Plot 65 in Terrace End cemetery.
Served in New Zealand from May 1846. Served in Taranaki. As a Colour Sergeant, he was awarded VC for his actions at Camerontown on 7 September 1863. The medal was presented by Lieut. Gen. Cameron on 18 June 1864, at Te Awamutu.
When he retired he became a Station Master in Wanganui. When he retired in 1903, he moved to Palmerston North.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java, died in New Zealand.
Battles - Camerontown (other battles in ranks, unknown).
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 96th Regt. 2 November 1840, Lieutenant 65th Regt. 30 December 1845, appointed to 96th Regt. 3 April 1846, Captain 15 March 1853, Major 21 May 1858, Major 13th Regt. 24 May 1859. Retired by sale of commission 3 July 1860.
He appears to have used a promotion to the 65th as a stepping stone to become lieutenant, before returning to the 96th Regt. when a vacancy became available. He may never have physically left the 96th Regt.
Arrived Wellington from Auckland on Slains Castle 14 February 1846. Marched to Hutt from Wellington on 24 February (while serving with 96th Regt.). Marched to Hutt from Wellington on 24 February. Departed Wellington for Auckland on the Slains Castle 29 April 1846.
Arrived in New Zealand on the British Sovereign, 31 May 1845, while serving with the 96th Regt.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Lieut. Colonel (Major - Army rank)
Promotion record - Ensign 26 April 1828, Lieutenant 29 June 1832, Captain 5 January 1839, Brev. Major 11 November 1851, Major 15 June 1860, Brev Lieut. Colonel 26 October 1858, Lieut. Colonel 17 April 1867, Colonel 30 January 1863. Retired full pay Major General April 1866.
Born St John's, Newfoundland 21 June 1809, died 1866.
Served - Demerara West Indies Dec 1829 - April 1838; America April 1838; Australian Colonies May 1846, Taranaki 1 March 1860 - 14 September 1860.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Wanganui on the Govt. Brig Victoria 16 March 1849.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
TH – Arrived in New Plymouth from Auckland on the Zingari 13 August 1855.
TH - commanded contingent that arrived in New Plymouth from Wellington on Duke of Portland 6 September 1855. Departed New Plymouth on the Wonga Wonga 26 July 1861 for Wanganui.
TH – Arrived in New Plymouth on the Wonga Wonga from Wanganui 15 January 1862. In command of detachment guarding stores at Whatawhata 26 January 1864.
Departed UK on the John Calvin, arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Hero.
Battles – Waireka.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 57th Regt. 16 March 1858, Lieutenant 5 February 1860, Lieutenant 65th Regt. by exchange 19 September 1861, Captain 1 December 1866. Retired by sale of commission 26 February 1873.
Born Edinburgh 15 October 1839.
Served: East Indies, Jan 1860 - Jan 1861, New Zealand from 1861.
TH – Arrived in New Plymouth on the Wonga Wonga from Wanganui 8 June 1862. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on the Lady Bird 18 April 1863.
New Zealand Medal 1863-65
Arrived in New Zealand on the Star Queen 23 January 1861, departed New Zealand on the Rob Roy.
Battles - Rangiaowhia, Orakau.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 9 October 1857, Lieutenant 17 May 1861, exchanged to 57th Regt. 19 September 1861. Retired sale of commission 12 April 1864.
Born Great Glenham near Wickham Market 11 October 1838.
New Zealand Medal - 3 yrs, 6 months - 61-64. Served in New Zealand 1 March - 23 October 1860.
TH - Arrived New Plymouth on S.S. Airedale 1 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Wonga Wonga from Wanganui 7 January 1862.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Sir George Pollock.
Battles - Te Kohia.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Asst. Surgeon
Promotion record - Asst. Surgeon Staff 15 September 1857, 65th Regt. 3 November 1857, Staff 20 April 1866, h.p. 20 October 1866, f.p. 9 November 1867, 5 Lns 24 November 1869, Staff 28 January 1870, h.p. 8 March 1870, f.p. 9 September 1871, h.p. 9 July 1872, h.p. commuted 15 October 1875.
Born Colerarine Londonderry 10 March 1836. Died in Edinburgh 9 March 1893.
Australian Colonies Jan 58 - April 1862, August 1863 - vice Asst. Surgeon White.
Robbed and stabbed in chest, perforated lung, near 70th Regt. camp beyond Drury, on evening of 29 January 1862. Three men of R.A. ('C' Battery, 4th Brigade) charged with stabbing with intent to murder, but acquitted due to lack of evidence (DSC 11 March 1862). Dr Neill too sick to attend trial.
Escorted invalids on Avalanche in 1862. Returned to New Zealand from Sydney on the Claud Hamilton.
Taranaki 6 July 1860 - 31 March 1861, Kaihihi 19-20 September 1860, Kairau 29-30/1860, Huirangi 10 February 1861.
TH - arrived New Plymouth on White Swan 20 June 1858. Left New Plymouth on Lord Worsley for Manukau 25 March 1859. Arrived New Plymouth on the Airedale from Manukau 2 July 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 27 May 1861.
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61, 1863-65.
Departed New Zealand on the John Temperley.
Battles – Rangiriri.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - 2nd Lieutenant Ceylon Regiment 14 June 1831, 65th Regt. 28 October 1831, Lieutenant 28 October 1831, Captain 4 October 1844, unatt. 4 August 1854, retired h.p. receiving difference 4 August 1854.
Born Maryborough Co. Cork 1808.
Served West Indies 12 January 1835 - 2 January 1838, America 3 January 1838 - 8/40, Australian Colonies 28 November 1846 - 6 June 5(?)
NZS - Departed Wellington for Porirua on H.M.S. Calliope 29 July 1846. NZS - departed Wellington for Wanganui on Government Brig Victoria 4 March 1849.
Departed UK on the Joseph Semes, arrived in New Zealand on the Levant.
Battles - Horokiri
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign (West Indies Regiment) 9 July 1837, 25th Regt. 8 April 1842, Lieutenant 4 October 1839, Captain 12 October 1852, unatt h.p. 12 October 1852, 2 years, 3 months half pay, 65th Regt. 7 July 1854. Returned from half pay, given company in 1854 (65th diary). Retired by sale of commission 9 October 1857.
Born Cape of Good Hope 1 July 1815.
Served West Indies - Bahamas, Honduras November 1837 – July 1842; East Indies January 1843 – November 1852.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 51st Regt. 1 July 1842, Lieutenant 4 July 1845, 65th Regt. 7 May 1847. Retired sale of commission 11 October 1852.
Born Trincomalee Ceylon 17 August 1820.
Served Australian Colonies 1 July 1842. Present Pomare's Pa Mawee, Waicanee. Major of Brigade to Hulme and Despard. Received thanks from Hulme in despatch 27 May 1845 and Despard at Ruapekpeka 12 January 1846.
Battles - Ruapekapeka (captured 11 Janurary 1846)
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 43rd Regt. 12 May 1812, Lieutenant 71st Regt. 15 July 1813, h.p. 23 May 1816, 65th Regt. 21 August 1828, Captain 16 July 1841.
Hart's 1850 - Capt. O'Connell served in the Peninsula with the 43rd l.t. Infantry from April 1812 to the end of that war in 1814, including the capture of Badajoz, where he was severely wounded as a volunteer with the storming party; battle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid and the Retiro, retreat from Madrid, action at San Munos, battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees, action at Lesaca, attack on the heights of Vera, passage of the Bidassoa, and many other minor affairs. Severely wounded at the capture of Badajoz on the night of the 6th April 1812, where he served as a volunteer with the storming party. He has received the War Medal and three clasps.
A native of Ennis, in Ireland, served during the Peninsular War, and was severely wounded at the taking of Badajoz.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Porirua on H.M.S. Calliope 29 July 1846. Commanded 65th detachment at Horokiri. Departed Auckland for Bay of Islands 9 January 1847 on H.M.S. Driver, returning 18 January. Moved from Wellington to Wanganui 20 May 1847 on HMS Inflexible with a Battalion company. Departed Wellington for Wanganui on HMS Inflexible 3 June 1847. - St John's Wood - "prevented by an accident from partaking in active operations, took command of the posts and rendered the best assistance" (NZS - 4 August 1847). Departed Wellington for Wanganui (from leave) on Eleanor Lancaster 13 November 1847. Departed Wellington for Auckland on HM Brig Victoria 7 October 1849.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Departed UK on the Samuel Boddington, arrived in New Zealand on the Levant. Died 18 August 1850, in his 56th year, of bronchitis, in Wellington. Buried at the Mount Street [Roman Catholic] cemetery. (grave)
Battles - Horokiri, St John's Wood.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record - Ensign 19 August 1862. Retired by sale of commission 10 May 1864.
Born Steepleton Dorset 23 May 1839.
May not have served in NZ
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 54th Regt. 5 December 1851, 86th Regt. 10 February 1854, Lieutenant 23 January 1855, Captain 22 April 1862, 65th Regt. 18 May 1862. Exchanged with Gower to 80th Regt. 24 November 1863 (21 July 1863 - Raikes), 37th Regt. 16 October 66. Retired sale of commission 13 February 1867.
Born Woolwich, Kent 9 November 1830.
Served in East Indies November 1854 – September 1859 - Gwalior 1858, commanded 2 companies 86th Regt. at Powrie 20-21 August 1858, Battle of Kolah- ke-Serai 18 June 1858 - Mutiny Medal and clasp for central India.
Mentioned in reports 1863. In command of a group searching for survivors of Camerontown. Stationed at Queens Redoubt 12 Sept 1863.
Brother of Sir Harry St.George Ord,Governor of Straits Settlements. Son of Harry Gough Ord. Came to Penang in 1867. Appointed Acting. Lieutenant-Governor of Malacca, Malaysia 1872 to 1875. Married Belissa ?.A daughter born in 1855.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Silver Eagle.
Included in group photograph of Europeans in Penang 1869. Far left, with mutton-chop beard.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 1st Royal Lanark Militia 30 July 1855, Ensign 65th Regt. 8 July 1856, Lieutenant 11 February 1861, Captain 38th Regt. 30 October 1866, Captain unatt. 15 May 1866, retired by sale of commission 5 July 1867.
Born Glasgow 13 May 1838.
Served in New Zealand - June 1858 - November 1864.
Severely wounded in the leg at Rangiaowhia 22 February 1864, received one year’s pay as Captain (₤218) for wound.
Active service - Taranaki 17 March 1860 - 31 March 1861. Expediton to Warea 20-30 April 1860, Waitara and Huirangi 10-13 September 1860, Mangapukatea 5 November 1860, Mahoetahi 6 November 1860, Kairau 29-30 December 1860, Matarikoriko 31 December 1860, Huirangi 10 February 1861, Rangiaowhia 20-21 February 1864.
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61, 1863-65.
Arrived at Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 13 April 1859. TH - Arrived New Plymouth on S.S. Airedale from Wellington 16 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau on H.M.S. Niger 29 April 1861. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on Airedale 22 April 1863. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864. Returned to depot (Times 3 January 1866).
Battles - Matarikoriko, Mahoetahi, Rangiaowhia.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Asst. Surgeon
Promotion record – Asst. Surgeon 31 October 1845, Staff Surgeon 2nd Class 2 October 1854, Surgeon 16th Light Dragoons 6 April 1855
Served Australian colonies 18 May 1846 - 21 March 1851. Died 1864.
NZS - Arrived Wellington from Bay of Islands 29 October 1847. Departed Wellington for Wanganui on Eleanor Lancaster 13 November 1847. Arrived Auckland from Wellington on the Fairy Queen 19 September 1850.
Played for rest of Garrison against Light Company in cricket match in Wanganui, 31 December 1847.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Fairy Queen.
Highest Rank in New Zealand – Brevet Lieut. Colonel (Major – Army rank)
Promotion record - Ensign (Royal York Rangers) 5 April 1810, Lieutenant 24 October 1811, h.p. 19 November 1819, 65th Foot - 21 September 1832, Captain 13 November 1827, Brevet Major 23 November 1841, Major 30 December 1845, Brevet Lieut. Colonel. 11 November 1851, Brevet Colonel. 28 November 1854, retired by sale of commission 11 May 1860.
Born Argyleshire 19 November 1792 (Avoch, Ross-shire, Scotland). Died at his residence, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, 1 October 1882.
Served West Indies Feb 1811 - May 1819, (was present at the surrender of Martinque and at the capture of Les Saintes and Guadaloupe in 1812) America June-October 1819, St Helena April - May 1822, East Indies July 1822 – November 1825, West Indies January 1835 – January 1838, America 1838, Australian Colonies May 1846 – August 1858.
Commanded 65th until Gold arrived in New Zealand. Arrived Sydney 13 October 1846. New Zealand Gazette 1846 p185. Major James Patience was appointed the Resident Magistrate at Russell, Bay of Islands on 15 December 1846. Nzer - Departed Auckland for Bay of Islands 9 January 1847 on H.M.S. Driver. Commanded detachment at Wahapu - 1847 HQ - moved from Auckland to Wellington - autumn 1847 with remaining 2 companies. NZS - Arrived at Wellington from Bay of Islands 29 October 1847
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848. NZS - Departed Wellington for Auckland on H.M. Brig Victoria 7 October 1849.
Departed Nelson for Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 10 August 1858, after arriving on same, on 9 August from Wanganui.
26 January 1859 – Lieut. Colonel James Patience, Wanganui is in the list of names printed in a supplement to the New Zealander on a Proclamation to Queen Victoria.
Departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on the Westminster.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Major (Army rank – Captain)
Promotion record - Ensign 31st Regt. 8 November 1843, Lieutenant 19 December 1845, 65th Regt. 9 October 1846, vice Mundell, Captain 2 September 1853, Brev. Major 28 January 1862, Major 15 May 1866. Retired receiving value of commission 6 July 1867.
Born Athlone 21 January 1825.
Was on board the Convict ship Joseph Somes on 18 May 1847 near Woolwich.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
Gazetted Major of Brigade from 23 February 1860. This is the date on which Major of Brigade Stack was placed under arrest. Captain Paul was acting Major of Brigade until Stack was suspended on 15 June. Stack, in his book, discloses the rumour that Capt. Paul had lent Colonel Gold £600 or £800, which Stack felt was his "chief claim for permanently securing the appointment as Major of Brigade".
Served - Bengal October 1844 – September 1846, Sutlej 1845-6, Moodkee 18 December 1845, Ferozeshah (slight wound) 21-22 December 1845, skirmish Buddawal 21 January 1846, Aliwal 28 January 1846, Sobraon 10 February 1846.
Active service in Taranaki 1 March 1860 - 31 March 1861.
Sutlej Medal with 3 clasps, New Zealand Medal.
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61, 1863-65.
DSC - Arrived Auckland from Napier and the South on the White Swan 5 August 1859. TH - Arrived New Plymouth on S.S. Airedale 1 March 1860. TH - Arrived New Plymouth from Wellington on HMCS Victoria 13 June 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 8 July 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 26 July 1861.
Steward of Waitara Races planned for 21 March 1860 (cancelled)
Upon departure ot the 65th Regiment in October 1865: "Major Paul (65th), Major of Brigade, has received instructions from General Chute to remain in garrison until relieved, when he will leave for England - after a long and arduous service, during which the gallant Major has gained the respect of all with whom he was been brought in contact." (Daily Southern Cross, 25 October 1865). Queen's Regulations requires the Major of Brigade to relinquish his post and depart with his regiment.
He appears to have returned to New Zealand. A photograph of him is available on the Puke Ariki web site, where it claims he was mayor of New Plymouth, December 1884 - December 1886.
Departed New Zealand on the Mary Shepherd (departed Auckland 8 May 1866).
Battles - Te Kohia, expedition to Warea, Kairau, Matarikoriko, Huirangi, Katikara, Koheroa.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Quartermaster (Ensign)
Promotion record – Ensign (Army rank) 25 January 1839 (from Quartermaster Sergeant), Quartermaster 26 April 1839.
Died in New Zealand 15 July 1851 of apoplexy (Raikes), aged 53.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Arrived in Australia on the Maitland. Arrived in New Zealand on H.M.S. Inflexible, died in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign (Tipperary Militia) 12 December 1854, Ensign 65th Regt. 13 January 1856, Lieutenant 7 December 1858. Retirement (as Captain) by sale 23 March 1870.
Born Clogher, co. Tipperary 18 March 1831.
Served Taranaki 1 March 1860 - 31 March 1861 - Expedition to Waitara & Huirangi 10-13 September 1860, Kaihihi Kairau, No. 3 Redoubt, Huirangi 10 February 1861, Pukerangiora 5 March 1861, Kiri Kiri 22 July 1863, Rangiriri – m.i.d. Wyatt 23 July 1863. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
New Zealand Medal 1860-61, 1863-65
TH - Steward of Waitara Races planned for 21 March 1860 (cancelled). Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on HMSS Niger 12 November 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSS Niger 1 December 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau on H.M.S. Niger 29 April 1861. Arrived in Manukau from Wanganui on the Ahuriri 22 September 1865.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Lancashire Witch, departed on the John Temperley.
Battles - No. 3 Redoubt, Kiri Kiri, Rangiriri (No. 9 Company).
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Surgeon
Promotion record – Asst. Surgeon Staff 7 October 1836, Asst. Surgeon 90th Regt. 9 December 1836, Surgeon 65th Regt. 14 April 1846, Staff Surgeon 2nd Class 12 January 1855, Surgeon Major 1 October 1858, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals 24 March 1863, Surgeon General 6 January 1875. Retired 28 April 1876.
Born Marlhill Tipperary 1812.
Served in Ceylon June 1838 – July 1842, New Zealand May 1846 – January 1855.
Arrived Wellington from Auckland on H.M.S. Driver, 19 December 1846. NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847. Departed Wellington for Auckland on HM Brig Victoria 7 October 1849.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
NEx - arrived Nelson from Auckland on Zingari 17 Dec 1855. HBH - Arrived in Napier from Wellington on the Eastfield 7 February 1858. Arrived in Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 18 March 1858. Arrived in Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 5 December 1858.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 7 February 1851, Lieutenant 26 July 1853, Captain 24 September 1858. Retirement by sale of commission in 11 December 1866.
Born Llanfinnan, County Anglesea. Graduated RMC as Ensign.
Commanded depot companies - 7 officers, 8 sergeants, 4 drummers, 120 rank and file, 14 women and 27 children. (Times 3 January 1866).
Arrived in New Zealand on the True Briton, departed on the Westminster.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Quarter Master
Promotion record – from Sergeant Major to Quartermaster without purchase 19 August 1862. Retired h.p. 23 March 1870, Quartermaster 91st Regt. 22 February 1871
Born Clare Abbey co. Clare 12 March 1825. Died in Femoy 24 September 1873.
Married Charlotte Withers, daughter of Quartermaster Edward Withers, 65th Regt. on 22 September 1853.
At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
New Zealand Medal 1847, 1860-61
Departed New Zealand on the Rob Roy.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 26 April 1839 (from Sergeant Major without purchase), Lieutenant (Adjutant) 30 December 1841, Captain 14 December 1849.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Pestonjee Bomanjee 7 August 1847.
Married eldest daughter of Thomas Paul, of the 65th Regiment, 1848, at St. Andrew's Church. The newly married pair went then to the fortified pa at Pauatahanui. There they lived in a whare, built by Colonel Russell, of the 58th. He formed the road, with Major Turner's assistance, into Wellington. [TH 7 Nov 1906].
Thanked for rendering assistance at a fire at Te Aro, Wellington, on 8 Feb. 1848. (NZS 9 Feb 1848)
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java, died in New Zealand. Died in Wellington, 17 September 1851, consumption, aged 46 years. Buried at the Mount Street [Roman Catholic] cemetery (headstone).
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 2 July 1858, Exchanged to 50th Regt. 13 May 1859, Lieutenant 6 May 1863, Captain (unattached) 1 April 1874, Captain 89th Regt. 13 June 1874, Paymaster 1 April 1878, Staff Paymaster with rank of Major 1 April 1883.
Born 2 May 1841.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 14 December 1849, Lieutenant 30 April 1852. Retired 30 June 1857, sold lieutenancy to H S Bates.
Born Belgium 28 March 1851?? - check - obviously wrong.. PP lists a lieut Servantes arr on Sir George Seymour, but that's too early.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Paymaster (Captain)
Promotion record – Paymaster British Italian Legion 7 January 1856, Paymaster 2nd Regt. 25 September 1857, Captain 12 September 1862, Paymaster 65th Regt. 6 February 1863, Paymaster 33rd Regt. 9 April 1870, Major 18 August 1871, Hon. Major Paymaster Army Service 11 September 1875, Staff Paymaster 1 April 1878, Hon. Lieut. Colonel 1 September 1882.
Born 10 January 1828.
New Zealand Medal 1863-65
Joined 65th Regt. from England 27 January 1864.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Royal Stuart, departed on the John Temperley.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 23 September 1845, Lieutenant 13 December 1850. Retired (as Capt.) in 1855 (65th diary).
Born London 14 April 1826. Died in Wellington, New Zealand 1 March 1855.
NZS - Arrived Wellington from Bay of Islands 29 October 1847.
NZS - May have departed Wellington on schooner Scotia for Wanganui 11 April 1848 ("Ensign Sleigh").
Departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Java, died in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record - Ensign 4 September 1828, Lieutenant 22 October 1823, Captain 17 April 1840.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Osprey.
Died 13 December 1849 in Wellington, aged 42. NZS 15 December 1849 - "This valuable officer was universally beloved by all who knew him."
Highest rank in New Zealand - Asst. Surgeon
Promotion record – Asst. Surgeon Staff 6 May1853, Asst. Surgeon 65th Regt. 16 January 1857, exchanged to 58th Regt. 28 January 1859, to Staff Asst. Surgeon 29 November 1859, Staff Surgeon 15 February1861, Surgeon 99th Regt.3 March 1863.
Born Edinburgh 4/6/30
Served Cape of Good Hope 18 July 1853 – 30 June 1857, Mauritius 1 July 1857 – 10 September 1857, India 11 September 1857 - 22 October 1857, Ceylon 23 October 1857 – 16 December 1857, Australian Colonies 17 December 1857 – 16 November 1858.
HBH - Arrived in Napier from Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 26 February 1858. He seems to have returned to Wellington, because he is also listed as arriving again on the Wonga Wonga 25 March 1858. DSC - Arrived Auckland from Hawkes Bay on the Eliezer 11 November 1858.
Departed New Zealand on the Mary Ann (as member of 58th Regt.).
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 14 August 1860, Lieutenant 2 February 1864, Captain 10 November 1869. 22nd Regt. 27 April 1870, Paymaster 1 April 1878, Hon. Major 26 July 1882, Staff Paymaster 26 July 1882, Paymaster 49th Regimental District.
Born Woolwich 25 January 1843.
m.i.d London Gazette 24 November 1863.
New Zealand Gazette - FLP Trench's report - in action near Queen's Redoubt 2 September 1863. Departed Tuikaramea for Whatawhata 26 January 1864.
Served Egyptian Expedition 1882, Medal and bronze star.
New Zealand Medal 1860-61, 1863-65.
TH – Departed New Plymouth on HMSS Niger for Manukau 16 April 1861.
Departed New Zealand on the Rob Roy.
Battles - Relief of Pokeno Piquet, Rangiriri, Rangiaowhia, Orakau.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 12 February 1858, Lieutenant 28 January 1862. Captain h.p. 8 June 1867, Brevet Major same day, Captain 19th Regt. 22 July 1871, Brevet Lieut. Colonel 24 June 1876. Retired on pension 25 August 1880.
Aide de Camp (in 1864-5 lists) to General Cameron. Staff officer – served in 65th, before Rangiriri.
Born St Omer France 11 July 1839
Taranaki - 1 March 1860 - 15 June 1860. Expedition to Warea, Kaherera [sic]. m.i.d. London Gazette 23 October 63, 14 February 1864, 14 May 1864, 12 April 1865 Medal and Brevet Major ADC & Private Secretary to Governor of Tasmania
Times - attended veteran's dinner 24 May 1867 (Mr H. W. S. Hill).
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61, 1863-65
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the City of Melbourne 4 October 1858.
TH - Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale 1 March 1860. Departed New Plymouth on Niger 31 March 1860 with Governor Browne, returned alone 5 April 1860. TH - Arrived New Plymouth from Wellington on HMCS Victoria 13 June 1860, returned to Wellington on Victoria two days later, with 20 rank & file. DSC - Departed Auckland for Tauranga on H.M.S. Esk 20 April 1864. Attended wedding of Capt. Leveson Gower to General Cameron's niece, 20 June 1865.
Battles - Te Kohia, Koheroa, Rangiriri, Rangiaowhia, Hairini, Orakau, Nukumaru,
Departed New Zealand on the Prince Alfred.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Major of Brigade (Army rank - Captain)
Promotion record – Ensign 45th Regt. 1 June 1839, Lieutenant St. Helena Regt. 7 January 1842, Captain 37th Regt.14 September 1844, Captain 18 May 1853, Major temporary rank in Turkey 27 March 1855, Captain 65th Regt. 17 October 1856. Dismissed by sentence of General Court Martial, but allowed to receive the value of commissions, less his liability of all public debts, March 1862. This included a deduction of ₤63 towards the passage of his successor, Captain Swift. Reinstated Captain h.p. by purchase 3 March 1865, Brevet Major 26 December 1865. Retired by sale of commission 31 October 1871.
TH - "Major Stack, who comes out [on Solent] to succeed Major Greenwood as Major of Brigade".
Served as ensign in 45th Regt. in Newport, Monmouthshire during the Chartist Riots of November 1839, when a company of the regiment defeated nearly 5000 armed men led by ex Mayor of Newport, John Frost - 11 of the mob killed and 30-40 wounded. For this service each of the 3 officers of the company received the thanks of the Queen and the Commander in Chief 1855. Promoted to Major in Turkish service - served Constantinople, Bajukdere and Kertch. 4th Class of the Medjidie. Major of Brigade - Auckland in 1858-9 list.
He is the Major of Brigade "Slack" described by Staff Assistant Surgeon Morgan S Grace, writing in Sketches of the New Zealand War, who, after encountering him when he first arrived in Auckland on 21 June 1860, on the Nugget, "smiled, and ranked him as a shingle short". This is due to the following unsolicited tirade from Stack to Grace - 'The Brigade Major mounted on a rough ten pound animal, rode straight at me, pulled his horse on his haunches, swung him a bit to the left, and shouted out, - "You think yourself a swell, sir. I am Brigade Major Slack [sic]. You are going to Taranaki. Tell Colonel Gold, sir, he is bitching the whole war. As for Colonel Murray, I shall have him broke, sir, I shall have him broke. I have reported the whole business to Horse Guards." Grace, of course, was not aware that Stack had been placed under arrest for 82 days on 23 February of that year after offending Col. Mould. On 15 June 1860 he had been suspended as Major of Brigade and ordered to join his regiment, as Captain, in Wanganui, pending consideration from Horse Guards. On 29 July 1860 he was struck off the garrison at Auckland and was no longer officially recognised (i.e. not being entitled to rations or free accommodation), despite still being there.
In a General Court Martial, held between 17 December 1860 and 24 April 1861 – 31 days sitting over 130 days, he was found guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer, due to his refusal to report to his posting in Wanganui and refusal to relinquish his position of Major of Brigade and continuing to address himself as such.
On 27 August 1861, as reported in the Daily Southern Cross, 'Captain' Stack took Lieutenant Wrixon to court, to recover a sum of ₤31 17s. that the latter owed him. The court found in Stack's favour. On 1 December 1861 Stack was struck off the strength of the 65th Regt.
In 1864 Stack attempted to clear his name and published a 330 page book "Military law, honour, and justice, in the British Army, in the years 1860-63: as evidenced in the proceedings of a general court-martial in New Zealand, and from the various other papers and official documents connected therewith". In this he accuses Colonel Gold of an arbitary lack of regard for Queen's Regulations and lax discipline, incompetence in command, and lists his major financial problems, Colonel Mould R.E. he accuses of dereliction of duty for carrying out his duties in the Civil appointment of Inspector of Public Works, which he claims interfered with his military duties as officer commanding Royal Engineers and Second in Command of Forces in New Zealand. He also accuses him of bias in the Court Martial and generally picking on him. The book includes a full transcript of his court martial and all correspondence regarding the matter.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Solent, departed on the Avalanche.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 15 October 1850, Lieutenant 12 October 1852, Captain 9 October 1857, exchanged to 1st Dragoon Guards 2 February 1858. Retired sale of commission 21 September 1860.
Born Maningford Wiltshire 27 June 1831.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Persia, departed on the Dart.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 22 December 1848, Lieutenant 27 June 1851, Adjutant 25 November 1853-1857, Captain 12 August 1857.
Born Kenmare, Ireland 5 October 27. Died at Te Arei 10 February 1861, gunshot - femoral artery, hemorrhage.
Served in New Zealand 11 August 1852 – 10 February 1861. Expedition to Warea, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, expedition to Kaihihi, Kaihihi, Kairau 29-30 December 1860, Huirangi 10 February 1861.
In Wellington 1 October 60, Kaihihi 9 October 1860 (PT).
Cousin of Alexander Strange 2/14th Regt. Recently married to a daughter of Colonel Sillery at death. No. 7 company.
HBH - Arrived in Napier from Wellington on the Acadian 20 December 1857. Returned to Wellington on the Acadian 28 December 1857.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the Moa 4 October 1858.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on SS Airedale 30 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Persia, died in New Zealand.
Battles - Kaihihi, Te Arei.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 21 November 1851, Lieutenant 80th Regt. 31 October 1852, 81st Regt. 31/1852(??), Captain 65th Regt. 25 March 1862. Filled vacancy created by dismissal of Captain Stack.
Born 9 April 1830 Keoltown Co. Westmeath. Died 7 September 1863, at Camerontown, of wounds.
Served East Indies - June 1852 - May 1857, and March 1858 - April 1860, New Zealand August 1862 to 7 September 1863.
Burmese War 1852-53. Commanded a detachment of 80th Regt. at Rangoon, served in expedition for relief of Rangoon August 1853. Burmah Medal and Clasp.
Instructor of Musketry in 81st Regt. 27 September 1858. Commanded a detachment at Alexandra Redoubt, Tuakau, 7 September 1863. Member of the Masonic Lodge Ara.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Ida Zeigler, died in New Zealand.
Battles - Camerontown.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 28th Regt. 11 March 1862, Cornet 8th Hussars 5 February 1863, Ensign 65th Regt. 12 July 1864, Ensign 18th Regt. 12 January 1866, Lieutenant 24 March 1869. Exchanged to 1st West Indian Regiment 12 July 1871. Retired by sale of commission 15 February 1872.
Born Maidstone Kent 29 September 1843.
Served East Indies August 1862 - January 1864, New Zealand 1865-66. Medal.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Nelson. Exchanged with Ensign Fife, 2/18th Regt. 1866.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 9 November 1858, Lieutenant 4 August 1863, Captain 20 July 1867. Retired by sale of commission 15 September 1869.
Born Thules, Ireland, 27 October 1840.
Served New Zealand from January 1863 Kirikiri 22 July 1863, Pukekohe 14 September 1863. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
New Zealand Medal 1863-65.
Requested to return to England via overland route. Departed New Zealand on the Albion.
Battles - Pukekohe East, Rangiaowhia, Hairini.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 12 February 1856, Lieutenant 15 June 1860. Retired by sale of commission 12 October 1867.
Born Maryborough, Queens Co. 22 September 1838.
Served New Zealand June 1858 - July 1864. Granted 9 months’ pay as a Captain for wound received at Rangiriri. Invalided home.
Saw active service in Taranaki 1 March 1860 - 31 March 1861. Kohea Pa, expedition to Warea, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi 10-13 September 1860, Kaihihi 19-24 September 1860, Maugapukatea 5 November 1860, Mahoetahi 6 November 1860, Kairau 29-30 December 1860, Matarikoriko 31 December 1860, Huirangi, Rangiriri.
M.i.d. from Cameron 26 November 1863 Vice Buck. Commanded No. 3 company in Taranaki 1860-61. (m.i.d), Commanded 2 companies Razorback Stockade - repulsed an attack, 1863. Commanded No. 10 Company of storming party at Rangiriri (m.i.d).
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61, 1863-65.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the Sarah 4 October 1858.
TH - Arrived New Plymouth on S.S. Airedale 1 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth on HMSS Niger for Manukau 16 April 1861. Apprehended three men of the R.A. accused of robbing and stabbing Dr Neill, on evening of 29 January 1862, at the 70th Regt. camp beyond Drury.
Battles - Te Kohia, Mahoetahi, Matarikoriko, Razorback, Rangiriri.
Wounded - severe - face, left arm and side at Rangiriri (mistakenly reported dead in the Taranaki Herald of 28 November 1863).
Departed New Zealand on the Light Brigade.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 8 November 1844, Lieutenant 86th Regt.10 April 1849, transferred Lieut. and Adjutant 65th Regt. 1 February 1850, Captain 25 November 1853. Appointed adjutant Depot Battalion 1 October 56. Captain 58th Regt. 19 February 1858, Captain 24th Regt. 17 April 1858. Retired by sale of commission 1858. Adjutant Somerset Rifle Volunteers 1 November 1860.
Born Denbigh North Wales 15 January 1824. Died July 1878.
Served Australian Colonies 1846-54. Arrived Wellington from Auckland on H.M.S. Driver, 19 December 1846. NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui on H.M.S. Inflexible 3 June 1847. Present in almost all skirmishes at Wanganui in 1847, commanded advanced party 65th Regt. (50 men) in affair of 18 July 1847, on which occasion he narrowly escaped being tomahawked. (Embarrassed by this note in Hart's Army List, he later had it removed).
NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui on Eleanor Lancaster 13 November 1847.
Played for rest of Garrison against Light Company in cricket match in Wanganui, 31 December 1847.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
Crimean and New Zealand Medal. Capt. Jersey 1856, Turkey 1856 (PT)
Departed England on the Lord Auckland, arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Battles - St John's Wood.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign (Royal Antrim Rifle Militia) 3 March 1855, Lieut 15 May 1856. Ensign 65th Regt.17 May 1861, Lieutenant 12 June 1864, Captain 12 October 1867. Retired by sale of commission 3 August 1870.
Born Belfast, Co. Antrim 4 April 1838.
New Zealand Medal 1863-65.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Chariot of Fame. Requested return to England via overland route. Reported in the Daily Southern Cross on the Rob Roy passenger list, but actually departed New Zealand on the Albion.
Battles - Rangiaowhia, Hairini
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record – Ensign 25 August 1854, Lieutenant 12 August 1857, Captain unatt. 19 November 1865.
Born Eaton Place, London 18 July 1834. Died 1 January 1866, of a fever, on passage home from New Zealand.
Served as a Lieut. local rank in the Turkish contingent 18 February 1856. Served at Kertch (Crimea) 23 March 1856 - 28 May 1856, Turkish Medal.
Active service in Taranaki 17 March 1860 - 31 March 1861. Kohea Pa, expedition to Warea, Mahoetahi, Kairau, Huirangi 10 February 1861, storming of Rangiriri. m.i.d. by Cameron to Sec. of State for War 26 November 1863.
Instructor of Musketry - 11 Sept 1858 - 31 May 1865.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth on Lord Ashley 29 July 1859. Departed New Plymouth on Lord Ashley 28 October 1859. Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale from Wellington 16 March 1860. Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale from Manukau 2 July 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on HMSS Niger 12 November 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSS Niger 1 December 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau on HMS Niger 29 April 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 8 July 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 26 July 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale from Manukau 10 February 1862. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on Airedale 2 May 1862. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on the Wonga Wonga 9 February 1863.
PT - In Napier 13 May 1860.
Led No. 1 Coy at Rangiriri with scaling ladders and planks (wounded).
Arrived in New Zealand on the Prince Alfred, to join HQ from England 23 February 1859, departed New Zealand on the John Temperley.
Battles - Te Kohia, Mahoetahi, Rangiriri.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 1 April 1862, Lieutenant 19 December 1865. Retired by sale of commission 12 October 1867.
Born London 21 July 1843. Died 16 August 1884.
New Zealand Medal - 1863-65.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Chariot of Fame, departed on the John Temperley.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 25th Regt. 21 May 1841, Ensign 65th Regt. 22 May 1841, Lieutenant 8 November 1844, Captain 18 September 1851. Retired by sale of commission 25 July 1853 (65th diary). Received appointment to Major, 11 March 1860, in command of Wellington Militia. August 1860 appointed to the command of all the Volunteers in the Wellington District.
Born Manchester 30 April 1824. Known by his third name - i.e. Rawson Trafford. Died 1891, Wiltshire England
Served in Australian Colonies May 1846 - July 1853.
NZS - Arrived in Wanganui from Auckland 24 May 1847 on H.M.S. Inflexible. In the Grenadier company.
Played for rest of Garrison against Light Company in cricket match in Wanganui, 31 December 1847.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Wanganui on the Rainbow 16 March 1849.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
Arrived in Australia on the Maitland. Arrived in New Zealand on H.M.S. Inflexible. Departed New Zealand, leaving Wellington 12 December 1862 on the Queen, then departing Dunedin 16 December on the Aldinga for Melbourne.
Battles - St John's Wood.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Major (Army rank – Captain)
Promotion record – Ensign 8 February 1842, Lieutenant 8 December 1845, Captain 21 November 1856, Brev. Major 28 January 1862. Major h.p. unatt 1866. Retired by sale of commission 1866.
Born Jersey 16 January 1824.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Porirua on HMS Calliope 29 July 1846.
Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1848.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Wanganui on Government Brig Victoria 4 March 1849. HBH - Departed Napier for Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 5 July 1858.
TH - Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale from Wellington 16 March 1860. Arrived New Plymouth on HMCS Victoria from Wellington 12 October 1860. Returned to New Plymouth on the Robert Lowe 16 January 1861, after recovering from wound sustained at Mahoetahi. Departed New Plymouth on HMSS Niger for Manukau 16 April 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 12 June 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale 18 June 1861 for Manukau.
Commanded Guard of Honour when Sir George Grey took oath of office as Governor at Government House, Auckland, 3 October 1861.
Served in Taranaki 17 March - 8 November 1860 and 16 January - 31 March 1861. Expedition to Warea, Mahoetahi, Omata 23 February 1861.
New Zealand Medal - 1845-47, 1860-61, 1863-65.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Levant, departed on the Ida Zeigler.
Battles - Horokiri, Mahoetahi (wounded - severe right cheek, musket ball).
Major H F Turner
Alexander Turnbull Library 1/4-004911-G.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 2 September 1853, Lieutenant 1 May 1855, Captain 18 July 1862. Promoted to an unattached company 18 July 1862, Captain 87th Regt. 9 January 1863 (Royal Irish Fusilers - Alexander says RWF - 23rd). Retired by sale of commission 1866.
Born Broadmayne near Dorchester, Dorset 18 November 1834.
Served in Australian Colonies - December 1854 - April 1862. Active service in Taranaki 1 March 1860 - 31 March 1861 - Kohea Pa, Waireka, Expedition to Warea, Expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, Kaihihi, Mahoetahi, Kairau, Night attack on No. 3 Redoubt, Huirangi, Pukerangiora 5 March 1861. m.i.d. by Lieut. Colonel Leslie 23 January 1861 Arrived in New Zealand 26 April 1855 (65th diary). Commanded No.10 company in Taranaki.
TH - arrived New Plymouth on Zingari 15 February 1856. Left New Plymouth 31 January 1859 for Wellington on Lord Worsley, returned on Eclipse on 16 April 1859. Departed New Plymouth on Lord Ashley 19 October 1859. Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale 1 March 1860.
Steward of Waitara Races 21 March 1860 (cancelled). Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on HMSS Niger 12 November 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSS Niger 1 December 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau on HMS Niger 29 April 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 8 July 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 26 July 1861.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Euphrates, departed on the Avalanche.
Battles - Te Kohia, Waireka, Mahoetahi, No. 3 Redoubt.
Photographs in ATL (Urquhart collection) - PA1-q-250-04 (presenting medal), PA1-q-250-49-2 and PA1-q-250-24-2 (wearing white cap).
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 91st Regt. 23 November 1852, 65th Regt. 4 February 1853, Lieutenant 18 August 1854, Captain 8 September 1863, Major 17 May 1876, Lieut. Colonel 16 February 1878, Colonel 16 February 1882. Placed on h.p. on completion of 5 years as Regimental Lieut. Colonel 16 February 1883, Lieut. Colonel 51st and 65th Regimental Districts 25 July 1883. Major-General (ret) –1887.
Born Barbados 28 February 1834. Died in Cheltenham - 15 November 1898, peritonitis.
Served in Australian Colonies March 1860 - October 1865 (Taranaki 17 March 1860 - 31 March 1861), India 1871-83.
Arrived New Plymouth 16 January, conveyed to Waitara on the Victoria 17 January, marched to Kairau that day.
Garrison Adjutant in Auckland 27 December 1861 - 31 March 1862. Led search for men after Camerontown. At Gate Pa in command of No. 3 Company.
New Zealand Medal 1860-61, 1863-65.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Nugget, departed on the John Temperley.
Battles - No. 3 Redoubt, Pukerangiora Pa (Te Arei) 11 February - 18 March 1861, Gate Pa.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record – Ensign 27 July 1855, Exchanged to Cornet 7th Light Dragoon Guards 15 February 1856, Lieutenant 5 June 1857, Captain 8 April 1859. Retired by sale of commission 1860.
Born Kimbolton, Hunts 11 July 1837.
Probably never in New Zealand
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 11 July 1851, Lieutenant 28 March 1854.
Born Limerick 30 October 31. Died 5 July 1858 in Wanganui.
Served in New Zealand August 1852 - 5 July 1858.
Arrived on the True Briton, died in New Zealand.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 25 November 1853, Lieutenant 7 September 1855, Captain 17 May 1861.
Died 6 May 1868, in Wanganui, New Zealand, apoplexy, as result of head injuries sustained in a fall from a horse two days' earlier (TH).
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth from Wellington on Duke of Portland 6 September 1855. Left New Plymouth for South on Zingari 7 December 1856. Left New Plymouth on Emerald Isle for Auckland 21 November 1857 - returned 10 December 1857. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed Waitara for Manukau on HMS Niger 29 April 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 8 July 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 26 July 1861.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Euphrates, departed on the Rob Roy. Returned to New Zealand and died here.
Battles – Waireka.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign Herford Militia 27 December 1854, Lieutenant 28 May 1855. Ensign 65th Regt.15 February 1856, Lieutenant 11 May 1860. Retired by sale of commission 28 January 1862.
Born London 18 April 1838.
Active service in Taranaki - 17 March 1860 - 31 March 1861. Expedition to Warea, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, Kaihihi, Mahoetahi.
New Zealand Medal - 1860-61.
TH - Arrived New Plymouth on SS Airedale from Wellington 16 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on HMSS Niger 12 November 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSS Niger 1 December 1860. Departed New Plymouth on HMSS Niger for Manukau 16 April 1861.
Battles – Mahoetahi
Highest rank in New Zealand – Surgeon
Promotion record – Asst. Surgeon 26 September 1845, Staff Surgeon 2nd Class 2 October 1857. Surgeon 65th Regt. 31 August 1858, Surgeon Major having 20 years' FP service 26 September 1865, exchanged to Staff 20 July 1866, Deputy Surgeon General 11 July 1874, retired on retirement pay with honorary rank of Surgeon General 26 December 1879, CB 13 March 1867.
Born Wexford 26 December 1819.
Served in Australian colonies December 1845 - August 1858. Active service in Taranaki 1 March 1860 - 31 March 1861. Kohea Pa, Waireka, expedition to Warea, Huirangi, Kirikiri 22 July 1863, Rangiaowhia 20-21 February 1864, Orakau.
New Zealand Medal - 1845-47, 1860-61, 1863-65. Invalided home.
NZS - Departed Wellington for Porirua on HMS Calliope 29 July 1846.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth from Wellington on Duke of Portland 6 September 1855. Arrived in New Plymouth from Auckland on the Dinapore 10 October 1857. HBH - Departed Napier for Wellington on the Wonga Wonga 5 July 1858.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Russell on the St. Kilda 30 July 1858. Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the Moa 4 October 1858.
TH -
Arrived New Plymouth from Auckland on the Airedale 1 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 8 July 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 26 July 1861.
Steward of Waitara Races 21 March 1860 (cancelled).
At the 65th Regt. camp beyond Drury, he attended to the stab wound inflicted on Dr Neill, on evening of 29 January 1862. At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Levant, departed on the Maori.
Battles - Horokiri, Te Kohia, Waireka, Mahoetahi, Rangiaowhia, Hairini, Orakau
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieutenant
Promotion record - Ensign 23 November 1852, Lieutenant 11 August 1854. Retired by sale of commission 2 October 1855.
Born Hastings 5 April 1833.
May not have served in NZ.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Ensign
Promotion record - Ensign 21 July 1846. Retired by sale of commission 18 January 1850.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Thomas Lowry 23 July 1847.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levees in Wellington 24 May 1848 and 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the William
Highest rank in New Zealand – Quarter Master (Captain)
Promotion record – Promoted from Sergeant Major to Quartermaster 21 November 1851, retired h.p. with rank of Captain 19 August 1862. Placed on retired pay 1 July 1881.
Born London 5 December 1804. Died 20 May 1883.
Served West Indies December 1829 - January 1838, America January 1838 - July 1841, Australian Colonies from 1846. Active service in Taranaki 26/3 - 17 October 1860 and 25/1 - 31 March 1861. Expedition to Warea, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, Kaihihi, Huirangi
Succeeded QM Paul on his death.
SC - Arrived in Auckland from Wellington on the City of Melbourne 4 October 1858.
TH - Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMS Niger 26 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860.
About 1862 he moved to Napier. When West Coast disturbances broke out he formed a Volunteer Company there to quell the rebellion. Promoted Major N Z Militia 1872. Fought against Te Kooti - Cowan "A force of over one hundred Wairoa friendlies, under Major Withers, was engaged here [Hiruharama pa]" Put in charge of the Auckland District in 1876. Moved to Auckland 1878 in command of the Auckland Volunteer Regt.
Afforded a full Military funeral, the Governor's Aide de Camp attended.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Captain
Promotion record – Ensign 22 July 1836, Lieutenant 17 April 1840, Captain 23 September 1845. Retired December 1850.
NZS - Arrived in Wanganui from Auckland 24 May 1847 on HMS Inflexible. Commanded Grenadier company, which he led at St John's Wood, in absense of Captain O'Connell, who was on sick leave. In command of the company in Wanganui that was relieved in February 1849, went to Wellington on the Victoria, arriving 11 March 1849.
NZS - Attended Governor's Queen's birthday levee in Wellington 24 May 1849.
Arrived in New Zealand on the Java.
Battles - St John's Wood.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Lieutenant.
Promotion record – Ensign 20 October 1854, Lieutenant 17 November 1857, Captain 7 January 1869. Retired by sale of commission 9 November 1869, Captain North Cork Militia 1 April 1874, Honorary Major 27 February 1878, to Royal North Down Militia (3rd Batt. RIR) 4 February 1880. Retired with permission to retain rank and wear uniform 23 May 1883.
Born Chatham 25 November 1832.
Served Australian colonies October 54 - December 1865. Active service in Taranaki 30 March 1860 - 31 March 1861. Expedition to Warea, expedition to Waitara and Huirangi, Kaihihi, Matarikoriko, Huirangi, storming and capture of Rangiriri. Departed Tuikaramea for Whatawhata 26 January 1864. Promoted Lieutenant, vice Suckling, 10th Light Dragoons.
New Zealand Medal 1860-61, 1863-65.
TH - Arrived New Plymouth on the Mary Thompson from Wellington 29 April 1856. Left New Plymouth on the White Swan for Manukau 29 October 58. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on SS Airedale 30 March 1860. Attended farewell dinner in New Plymouth for Major-General Gold, 1 October 1860. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on HMSS Niger 12 November 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSS Niger 1 December 1860.
Departed New Zealand on the Rob Roy.
Battles - Matarikoriko, Rangiriri.
Highest rank in New Zealand - Lieut. Colonel
Promotion record – Ensign 12 December 1826, Lieutenant 23 April 1829, Captain 19 September 1834, Major 23 September 1845, Brevet Lieut. Colonel 20 June 1854, Brevet Colonel 26 October 1858, Lieut. Colonel 15 June 1860.
Born Dover 27 October 1810. Died Portobello barracks, Dublin 16 January 1869.
Served Berbice 23 - 31 December 1829, West Indies 1 January 1830 - 4 May 1833, North America 1827 March 1838 - 26 July 1841. Australian Colonies 31 October 1846 - 6 June 1851 and 9 July 1856 – October 1860. Served Taranaki 12 October 1860 - 31 March 1861.
In February 1850, commanded two skeleton companies returned to UK. Promoted to Lieut.-Colonel vice Gold - commanded the 65th Regiment after Gold. Took command 65th Regiment 1 October 1860.
NZS - Arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Thomas Lowry 23 July 1847. Arrived in Wellington on HM Brig Victoria (from Auckland via Taranaki and Wanganui) 30 September 1849. Departed Wellington for Auckland on HM Brig Victoria 7 October 1849.
DSC - Departed Auckland for Russell on the Wonga Wonga 21 July 1856.
HBH - Arrived in Napier from Auckland on the Eastfield 7 February 1858, commanding the detachment. DSC - Arrived in Auckland from Russell on the St. Kilda 30 July 1858. Attended Governor's levee at Napier 26 May 1859. In command of Wanganui garrison by 1 July 1859. Arrived New Plymouth on HMCS Victoria from Wanganui 12 October 1860, to assume command of the regiment. Departed for Kaihihi in HMCS Victoria same day.
TH – Departed Waitara for Manukau on HMS Niger 29 April 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on the Airedale 26 January 1863. Returned to Manukau on the Airedale 17 February 1863.
Received thanks from Governor Sir George Grey KCB on following dates for his zeal and judgment in performance of a difficult and arduous duty, and line of policy adopted with the insurgent natives in Wellington 31 January 1848, 22 December 1848, 4 January 1851. Also m.i.d. by Governor Grey to Lord Grey 3 September 1847, m.i.d. by Pratt to Military Secretary Horse Guards Waitara 31 December 1860, m.i.d. Pratt 2 April 1861, m.i.d. Cameron to Secretary of War Rangiriri 25 November 1863. Appointed an Ordinary Member of Military Division of the 3rd Class, CB 2 May 1862. Received a Good Service Pension of £100 23 November 1863.
He returned to Auckland on 18 January 1864 on sick leave, "his health having been impaired by hardship and exposure", leaving W. P. Young in command of the regiment. He rejoined HQ and resumed command on 7 June 1864.
“Colonel Wyatt was a rough and ready soldier, and had been in the Royal Navy, and was always “full of fight,” and enjoyed the excitement of it – just the man for a bush campaign - and liked to sing a song, and join in a glass of grog, “merry in camp” after a days’ work.” (Bush Fighting, Major General J E Alexander, 1876).
At Rangiriri – “I don’t know whether I mentioned the narrow escape that Colonel Wyatt of the 65th had from death; a bullet pierced his haversack, smashed a bottle of rum, and was found in his clothes flattened.” (Taranaki Herald, 5 December 1863)
Departed England on the Palmyra, arrived in New Zealand on the Java, departed on John Temperley.
Battles and active service in New Zealand - Kaihihi, Kairau, Matarikoriko, No. 3 Redoubt, Huirangi, Pukerangiora 5 March 1861, Kirikiri 22 July 1863, Rangiriri.
Photograph included in PAColl-1951-1-01 at the Alexander Turnbull Library web site.
Highest rank in New Zealand – Brevet Lieut. Colonel (Major – Army rank)
Promotion record – Ensign 26 October 1830, Lieutenant 27 November 1835, Captain 12 September 1843, Brevet Major 20 June 1854, Major 11 May 1860, Brevet Lieut. Colonel 30 July 1860, Lieut. Colonel (h.p. unatt) 1 April 1866. Retired by sale of commission 15 May 1866.
Born Guersey 19 October 1812.
Served West Indies October 1830 - May 1836, Australian Colonies May 1846 - January 1855 and May 1860 - December 1862.
Commanded 2 companies at Wahapu, 21 November 1846.
Served in Taranaki 1 December 1860 - 31 March 1861. Maturwa 22 January 1861, Amorta 23 February 1861, commanded a wing of the regiment at Taranaki, commanded 65th Regt. in the field operations under Cameron 20 January 1864 - 31 March 1864 (while Wyatt was on sick leave). At Tuikaramea camp on 26 January 1864.
New Zealand Medal - 1846-7, 1860-61, 1863-65.
NZS - Arrived at Wellington from Bay of Islands 29 October 1847. NZS - Departed Wellington on schooner Scotia for Wanganui 11 April 1848. TH - Arrived New Plymouth from Auckland on the Wonga Wonga 6 November 1860. Departed New Plymouth for Manukau on HMSS Niger 12 November 1860. Arrived in New Plymouth from Manukau on HMSS Niger 1 December 1860. Departed New Plymouth on HMSS Niger for Manukau 16 April 1861. Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale 8 July 1861 from Manukau. Departed New Plymouth on the Airedale for Manukau 26 July 1861.
Arrived in New Plymouth on the Airedale from Manukau 10 February 1862. Departed New Plymouth on the Storm Bird for Nelson 8 December 1862.
Departed UK and arrived in New Zealand on the Java. DSC - 'Major William Young' arrived Auckland from London 5 December 1859 on the Nourmahaul. TH - Returned to New Zealand on Chariot of Fame (leave?). Requested to return to England in 1865 via the overland route (Times), departed New Zealand on the Prince Alfred (30 September 1865).
Battles in New Zealand – Rangiaowhia
My sources are:
Note that there is a gap in the records - the (NZ) National Library collection does not include any army lists 1847-1855. However this search of Google Books will reveal nearly every volume from 1840 to 1870.
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Updated 28 March 2012