65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot |
1 November 2024
Finally updated the Equipment List page.
Added the movie "Ka Whawhai Tonu" to movie credits.
28 February 2021
Added some behind the scenes photos from Te Radar's Chequered Past.
18 February 2021
I discovered that I could still log on to the site! Updated a lot of the material in various pages.
In the last 11 years we have moved with the times. Check out our Facebook page as well - N.Z Colonial Wars (N.Z Wars Re-enactment group)
4 August 2010
Added link to a photo of a '44 pattern other ranks' shako plate of the Light Company.
25 June 2010
Prompted by an email enquiry, I realised that I could now access the Sydney Morning Herald passenger list of the Java departing Sydney 2 November 1846. Updated details of the ship and the officers on board.
15 September 2009
Added photos of a 65th Regiment officer's cross belt plate - thank you Stephen.
26 June 2009
Still continually updating the List of officers with new details. Have added a new page PAColl-1951-1-01, which is a guide to a photograph at The Alexander Turnbull Library, containing a collection of photos of 32 officers.
15 April 2009
Found a new officer - Robert Lynd (65 F, h.p.). While not a serving officer of the 65th at the time, was Barrack Master at Auckland 1850, until his death in 1851.
21 January 2009
Updated event schedule with some exciting upcoming events.
15 August 2008
Still updating
List of officers and ships - including another officer I just found - Ensign Dudgeon.
14 January 2008
Added a page of Dispositions of the regiment as at 1 January each year.
15 November 2007
Added book to list - Hand-book for Hythe [i.e. for the School of musketry at Hythe]; Hans Busk 1860
2 November 2007
Added a photo of a 65th Regt. officer's 1844 (Albert) Pattern shako plate, sent to me by a descendent of an officer who served in the Regiment.
27 September 2007
Added book to booklist - The Artillerist's Manual and British Soldier's Companion, 1862, Major F. A. Griffiths, R. A. (Eilbron Classics reprint, 2005), - a very useful compilation of parts of Field Exercises and Evolutions of Infantry', 'Artillery Exercises', 'Field Artillery Exercises', 'Instructions and Observations on Armstrong Guns, Carriages, &c.'
Addendum - 29 October 2007 - added link to online version of the entire 1856 edition of this book - http://www.openlibrary.org/details/artilleristsmanu00grifuoft
Still continually updating the List of officers with new details, including links to each ship's details.
29 June 2007
Added a page listing 65th Regiment officers and men involved in battles in New Zealand.
Updated list of officers and ships.
14 June 2007
Replaced all the bugle calls in the Light infantry section of Field Exercises, using a better program that sounds like a trumpet (sorry no actual bugle selection).
1 June 2007
I found a bugle call for the 1st Battalion, York & Lancaster Regiment. As this is the direct descendent of the 65th Regiment, I would guess that this is the call used during the 1860s.
25 May 2007
I've started a page listing the ships that transported the 65th Regiment. Updated the List of officers with new details, including links to each ship's details. Updated History with shipping arrival summary
11 May 2007
Often I get emails asking me for information about specific soldiers. I am not a genealogist, so usually can't help, sorry. I have done extensive research into the British Army officers
who served here, as well as some NCOs. I will always welcome any contributions of information and photos, etc.
To those wanting genealogical information, I understand the service records are available from the National Archives of the United Kingdom. If the soldier was discharged in New Zealand, there is a very detailed book - Discharged in New Zealand : soldiers of the Imperial Foot Regiments who took their discharge in New Zealand 1840-1870 by Hugh & Lyn Hughes. New Zealand Society of Genealogists, 1988. I do currently do not own a copy, but the Auckland Museum, Waiouru Museum and National Library hold copies.
17 April 2007
Updated list of Officers of the 65th in New Zealand.
1 March 2007
Added some List of Changes, mostly regarding haversacks, waistbelts and expense pouches.
19 February 2007
Updated event schedule with some exciting upcoming events - Howick Military Tattoo, Queen's Redoubt open day, MOTAT weekend.
Added link to Queen’s Redoubt Trust under Museums section of Links page.
16 February 2007
Just been informed about an exciting new book - Soldiers' Accoutrements of the British Army 1750-1900 by Pierre Turner. I'm sure it will be the definitive book on the subject.
1 November 2006
Updated Reference book lists, including adding Army lists, etc at the National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library.
6 October 2006
Updated Officers of the 65th in New Zealand with the battles and engagements that they were in. Added note that Naval & Military Press now publish some useful research books relevant to the British Army in New Zealand.
25 July 2006
Added to the list of battles that 65th took part in (or almost did, as explained), in the History. Changed date in Uniform page, that 65th received 1853 patt Enfield Rifle-Muskets to 1858 - previous reference was due to a typo in one of my sources - have now confirmed it by viewing original manuscript.
1 June 2006
Added photo of reproduction 65th Regt. 1861 pattern shako plate.
Created a new page of details of Officers of the 65th in New Zealand. This is a work in progress as I continue my research.
18 May 2006
Added a Circular Memorandum concerning the purchase of Rangoon oil for cleaning rifles and the issue of cloth selvages for cleaning rifle barrels.
5 December 2005
Added link to New Zealand Electronic Text Centre - New Zealand Wars (1845–1872) Collection - great new online resource of texts on the wars, including both volumes of James Cowan's histories and Adventures of Kimble Bent.
Added reference to Manual of Artillery Exercises 1860 under Drill & tactics.
22 April 2005
Added reference to book "Rifle Ammunition", about the manufacture of ammunition for the 1853 pattern Enfield.
7 January 2005
Added photos of an original 1861 pattern expense pouch.
Added a new page - List of Changes to British Army weapons, uniforms and equipment relevant to an infantry unit during the period we portray.
1 December 2004
Added some photos of soldiers in the movie "River Queen".
8 November 2004
New photos of the uniforms and equipment, serjeant's pouch, knapsack. Updated unit history.
8 September 2004
Added lots more drill book topics - see Drill Book Table
of Contents.
7 September 2004
Added all the rest of the drill book topics concerning light infantry relevant
to a company - General Principles
and Piquets.
21 July 2004
Anyone interested in wargaming the wars should visit Trevor's
Colonial Wars - lots of information on several pivotal battles, plus rules
to fight them.
I've been busy working as Military Advisor (and extra) in the movie "River Queen", directed by Vincent Ward, starring Kiefer Sutherland, Temuera Morrison, Samantha Morton and Cliff Curtis, which is being filmed in the Wanganui area. Premier in New Zealand 24 January 2006.
19 May 2004
Added a song The Fall of Rangirriri, found
in a collection of letters written by Corporal George Tatler of the 65th Regiment.
28 April 2004
Added a mock-up photo of a 65th Regiment
belt buckle to the original uniforms section.
5 February 2004
Added some photos from the York & Lancaster Museum booklet - 65th
Regiment crossbelt plate and Colour-Serjeant
McKenna's rank badge.
2 December 2003
Added photo of pewter coatee button of the 58th
21 November, 2003
Added photo of brass belt buckle of the 57th
24 Oct, 2003
Updated photos of new boots, bayonet frog
and and added knapsack. Also, finally,
a 65th regiment brass belt buckle.
17 Oct, 2003
Added photos of an original Enfield percussion cap
21 July, 2003
Added a reference to the book, Landscapes of Conflict "A field guide
to the New Zealand wars", Nigel Prickett, Random House, New Zealand, 2002
- A guide to the battle sites of the New Zealand wars, with "then and now"
photos and illustrations, including instructions on finding the sites.
10 July
Added a link to the Kapiti
Fusiliers - the new wargaming club I have joined.
Added a link to the entry in the Victoria Cross Reference about Colour Serjeant Edward McKenna and Lance-Corporal John Ryan, of the 65th Regt., who were both awarded VCs for action at Cameron Town, 7 Sept. 1863.
1 July, 2003
Added great photos of Michael Murrie-Jones's 50th
Regiment Officer's 1855 pattern shako and 65th
Regiment Other Ranks' 1855 pattern shako plate.
12 June, 2003
Added link to Naval
& Military Press, on-line military bookshop with a huge selection, including
Regimental histories, Army Lists (of British Officers) and drill books.
5 June, 2003
Added a reference to a good book - Marching to the Drums: From the Kabul
Massacre to the Seige of Mafikeng. Ian Knight (ed.), Stackpole Books, 1999
- A collection of first-hand accounts by British other ranks, including an account
by a private of the 65th in New Zealand 1863-65, covering Cameron Town, Rangiriri,
and Gate Pa.
30 April, 2003
Don't we just love drill!! I've added a link to Rules and Regulations for
the Manual and Platoon Exercises, Formations, Field-Exercise, and movements
of his majesty's Forces, 1816 - on-line
copy of this manual on the web-site of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment,
Napoleonic Association.
29 April, 2003
I have been researching the Crimean war - because we are planning to go there!
The Alma Heights 2004 commemoration is taking place in September 2004. The 65th
missed out the first time round, so we're determined to make it this time. Here
is an English translation of the official web site. Join us now if you want
to come.
9 April, 2003
I have been researching the Crimean War - so looking for information on that
war - added the Roger
Fenton collection of Crimean War photographs to the links.
8 April, 2003
Added some new links-
Abimelech Hainsworth "makers of fine cloth since the battle of Waterloo" now have a website,
and my new Canadian friends - Royal Engineers "In Her Britannic Majesty's Colonies of Vancouver's Island and British Columbia" - Re-enactment group covering Royal Engineers, Royal Artillery and Royal Marine Light Infantry during the period of the joint occupation of San Juan Island (now in Washington State) by Britain and the US in the early 1860s.
17 March, 2003
Slight change to the drill concerning standing
at ease.
6 March, 2003
It is with deep sorrow that I note the sad news that Keith Perks the founder
of the Thin Red Line
suddenly passed away on 1st of March, 2003. My condolences to his family and
friends. A huge loss to the Victorian military re-enactment community.
24 January, 2003
Acted in "Ghost of Von Tempsky" TV documentary about the life
of famous officer in the Forest Rangers and
Armed Constabulary.
24 October, 2002
Account of the help we gave the university at the archeological
dig of the Albert barracks.
4 June, 2002
Added a photo of an original Royal Marines Other Ranks brass cross
belt plate from the the period 1844-55.
9 May, 2002
It's my sad duty to note the passing of Darryl Hicks, at age 47, a dear friend
to the regiment, owner of the Armstrong gun featured on our site and in the
book featured below. Darryl supplied us with many useful items and many warm
memories with his good natured eccentricity and hospitality. A true loss to
the New Zealand militaria collectors' community.
3 May, 2002
Click the cover to see sample colour pages from The Colonial New Zealand
22 April, 2002
OUT NOW! the exciting second edition of The
Colonial New Zealand Wars, Tim Ryan and Bill Parham, Grantham House, New
Zealand, ISBN 1-86934-082-5 - new research included + COLOUR
PHOTOS of the 65TH !)
Added a photo taken in Thames at the re-dedication of the Boer War memorial in March.
7 March, 2002
Have linked all the songs in the Songs and Music
section, that I found on the Mirror Digital Tradition Folk Music Database,
to the music scores.
17 January, 2002
Added a link to the Dictionary
of New Zealand Biography - launched on 1 December, 2001, this is the Ministry
for Culture and Heritage's online version of the five-volume Dictionary of
New Zealand Biography. Contains all 3049 biographies, including all the
prominent figures of the New Zealand Wars period.
5 November, 2001
Added to the photos of original pieces of equipment - buttons (Medical Staff,
Royal Marine Light Infantry), 50th Regiment pork pie numeral - see them listed
on the Original Uniform Items
10 September, 2001
After migrating this site and repairing links, I have added in new photos
of equipment:
bayonet, field exercises and account book, camp kettle, mess tin, '55 expense pouch, snap cap & muzzle stopper, rifle sling, serjeant's tool, and porkpie cap.
6 August 2001
Photos of an original 1855 pattern officer's
Photo of us with "our" 6 pounder Armstrong Gun.
22 July, 2001
Research page of photos of original
uniform items of regiments serving in New Zealand.
9 April, 2001
Some new photos - Court martial in progress,
Armed Constabulary. Also added another
photo of the ammo box, with ammo packages.
5 March, 2001
Finally after months of being down due to technical problems, my site is up
again! We have been busy, but I'm only just catching up again. Some new photos
of us (in redcoats) and with some of
our fellows dressed as sailors, from
the Taranaki Searchlight Tattoo. More good photos of us in our red coats (in
daylight) soon.
24 October, 2000
Finally replaced the illustration of the ammunition box with a photo
of the real thing.
6 October, 2000
Some additions to the songbook - the full version of The
Rogue's March and Over the Hills and Far
(These versions I found on the 23rd
Foot Royal Welch Fusilier (Grenadier Company) re-enactment Society very
nice web site.)
19 September, 2000
Hear light infantry bugle sounds - click on each piece of music in the Drill
Book and hear my very own tinny, electronic trumpet version of the bugle
13 September, 2000
Added the music to all the bugle
calls for light infantry in the drill book.
2 August, 2000
Today we have naming
of parts... Rifle Exercises General Directions.
28 July, 2000
Acted in "Epitaph" TV series - episodes set in the
Crimean War, Taranaki, and the battle
of Gate Pa.
18 July, 2000
Still updating the drill book.
New photo of us on Home page. Taken by a member of the public on a live day. Moved old photo into picture gallery.
30 May, 2000
For all you recruitees... full equipment
list and suppliers - where we got our gear
16 May, 2000
More drill from the book - some Guard
duty and Squad drill in Single
28 April, 2000
Following a request for the music of the song, "The Rogue's March",
I have started putting on the site MP3
recordings of those songs I have on CD.
13 April, 2000
I am embarking on entering on the site all the drill you need to know to
run a company. This is in the form of Field Exercise
1862. Check out my progress.
15 March, 2000
A bit more drill - dismissing a squad,
a squad, saluting,
28 January, 2000
Started compiling videos of us in action.
Added a schedule of events, where and when you can find us.
15 November, 1999
Changed the wallpaper to a regimental portrait. Also added in the portrait
New uniform - photos of serjeant's scarlet tunic ( front view, side view), shako and p1855 expense pouch.
Updated TV/movie credits, including links to Amazon's International Movie Database for notes about productions, directors and actors we have worked with and a photo of a new TV series we are in.
20 September, 1999
Updated links, help
page, company drill,
Big changes to Rifle drill, now I've got the manual.
Added Squad Drill, at the moment just with basic
drill of animated facing changes.
Animated Musketry - loading and firing the Enfield rifle!
19 March, 1999
More links, photos, and unit history updated
1 March, 1999
New links, photo, and unit history updated
9 December, 1998
Had big trouble uploading to the website, but now I'm back!
New References - Histories and Suppliers on Links page.
Updated History of 65th in New Zealand.
Reformatted Home Page
"Then and Now" photos of Rangiriri battle site.
Photo of Officers' forage cap.
26 September, 1998
Added Change Arms and Charge bayonets
from the Trail to the Rifle Drill.
Added exercises to be performed On the March.
Corrected the animated Unfix bayonets.
18 August, 1998
Photos of a Soldier of the 58th Regiment,
1845, and a Sailor of a Naval Storming Party.
4 August, 1998
Added Bayonet Exercises to Rifle
drill. Guards and Points
by numbers is animated.
22 July, 1998
Updated Links page with link to
photos of the 135th anniversary re-enactment of Gettysburg.
Plans for making a British Army 560 cartridge ammunition box. This may be of use to American Civil War re-enactors - I don't know for sure if the British sold ammunition to the Confederates, but I suspect they did.
14 July, 1998
Summary of the history of the 65th in New
Zealand written by noted New Zealand historian and collector, Tim Ryan.
Here are the contact details of an aquaintance of mine who offers a research service on the men who served in the 65th and medals they won.
26 June, 1998
Photos of equipment: holdall, with knife, fork, spoon etc, and officer's
Updated photos of us on Home page, Uniforms page and Unit History.
11 June, 1998
Photograph of some soldiers of the 65th Light
Company, taken early 1860s.
Map of the North Island of New Zealand, showing principal engagements of wars from 1845 - 1872.
Added song, The Kerry Recruit
Updated Unit History and History of the 65th in New Zealand.
30 April, 1998
Added Rifle Drill page - How to Post Sentry
27 April, 1998
Added a new section of more photos of us
from a TV series we are extras in.
24 April, 1998
Linked two Suppliers (Dixie Gun Works
and Wyedean Weavers) to their web sites.
13 April, 1998
Started work on Company Drill section. Watch this space - lots more to
Added images of the the Queen's and Regimental Colours of the Regiment.
Updated Unit History and included a photo of us from a TV series we are extras in.
Added a new song to the song book, an Indian Mutiny song with an unknown name (tune also unknown, but "A-Hunting We Will Go" fits very well for the chorus), that I have guessed was called the Cashmere [Kashmir] Gate.
Also added the 'lost' first verse, and bawdy chorus, to The Lobster, thank you to Tom Morgan.
8 February, 1998
Added new section - Songs and Music - a collection
of songs that our soldiers might have sung.
There are photos of us at: Alexandra Redoubt Tuakau, Albert Barracks Wall, and at Rangiriri battle site.
There is a photograph of the original 65th on parade at New Plymouth, 1861.
5 December, 1997
Got access to a new scanner! so I:
rescanned all the existing photographs and
added new photos to the Picture Gallery and photo of great coat in Uniforms & Equipment
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